
avdhaanWe have the privilege of bringing forth a power packed woman, Surbhi Bhagat, whose aim is to make education an asset for all. Surbhi Bhagat is the Director of UnivExcellence Avdhan Mind Power –world’s leading scientific learning education company. Based on the science of learning, remembering and recalling, it is the only company which provides course content based on Avdhan which means concentration, alertness.

Avdhan is the only company which provides Hindi medium content for classes 6 to 12th through expert faculty, video lectures and digital classes. The method of delivering education content is based on human brain functioning. Avdhan has a special emphasis on consulting, mind power and life skill as its core area of work. Avdhan foundation is working for 100 percent literacy in India by providing access of World class education to the social organisations and schools.

Avdhan has two sides to itself. It has a consulting wing which provides legal and financial consulting segments to help companies, individuals, e-cells, entrepreneurs, start-ups with legal issues, company set-up, IPR and retainer lawyer. The other is Avdhan life skills where they design workshops for schools, colleges, corporates, NGOs and individuals.

Surbhi Bhagat has had many challenging moments in life. Setting up UnivExcellence Avdhan Mind Power Pvt. Ltd. from scratch in early 2007 was a very difficult task followed by the years 2012-13 when they were ready to release new products in the market and create a position for it. Setting up a company itself brings too many challenges and no one has had an easy time doing so. Surbhi also faced the same, with a concept that was and is unique in its own way and unchallenged so far. Like anyone else, she had to go through the tough and hectic task of marketing and reaching out to the customers which is an obvious criterion for survival.

Surbhi’s inspiration comes from Swami Vivekanand and Shri Narayan Murthy of Infosys. No wonder, with such people as inspiration, Surbhi has gained from this. With the support of parents, friends, and relatives …getting a 100 percent support from parents made her climb the toughest of ladders. Her younger brother also supported her coming forward with cybersecurity and technological updates. With a backup of such a wonderful family, Surbhi’s courage knew no bounds. Life took another wonderful turn when she got married on 19th April 2015 to Atit Jain who supported her by providing help with her research and in legal matters, too.



Surbhi has chalked out her future plans. After Providing Complete Class 6-12 Online Study Courses, Video Lectures and Current Mac Clay Education of India in Expert Video Lectures, Chapter Notes, Online Test modes, she is researching on Ancient Bhartiya Gyan that existed since time immortal, the vedic heritage and knowledge source of everything known till now to humans and what is unknown. She is deeply into deciphering it from Vedas making it simpler and then delivering in today’s age learning methods and patterns.

Her message to the youth is – “Work Hard, Be Holy and Pure and the Fire will come”, a quote of Swamy Vivekananda. She also says “जो चाहो सो पाओ | सच्चे मन और श्रद्धा से किये गए शुभ संकल्प सिद्ध होते ही हैं |”


In the present fast paced times people are so busy, that they probably do not have time to take up the stress of planning their own affairs. That’s where the role of a Wedding planner/ Bridal Consultant comes in. Wedding planning is a segment of event management. Now let us discuss about who a Wedding planner/ Bridal Consultant is and about his/her duties.


Wedding Planners often referred to as Bridal consultants, is one who assist couples in planning their wedding as per requirement. A career as a wedding consultant involves working with brides and grooms through out the wedding planning process. A wedding planner assists with the design, planning and management of a client’s wedding. Wedding planners ensure that the overall vision of the bride and groom is executed, which could include consulting with clients about the wedding’s theme and decor, ceremony, reception and even the costumes. The services of a wedding planner can include budget preparation, booking venues, hiring of wedding professionals and service providers including caterers, photographers, videographers, beautician, florists musicians etc. In this job, multitasking and the related pressure is inevitable and only an ardent passion for what you do will make you a successful wedding planner. The USP is getting best service for the clients at reasonable rates.

Wedding planner or Bridal consultant must have the following essential skills

  • Excellent organization skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Leadership and management skills
  • Good communication skills
  • Negotiation skills
  • Ability the get on well with different kinds of people
  • Good problem solving skills
  • Business acumen
  • A creative bent of mind as well as colour sense
  • Ability to keep calm under pressure
  • Awareness about the latest trends
  • Knowledge about customs and traditions
    Education requirement or qualification to become a wedding planner
    There are no set qualifications to become a wedding planner. Although education in hospitality, business or public relations can be helpful. Many have no formal education and learn on the job. They move into wedding planning from working in events, hospitality or catering. Being a self employed career, individuals interested in this field must have a strong business sense.

Employment Opportunities for a Wedding planner/ Bridal Consultant
In the current scenario of growing popularity of theme weddings, couples are looking for something more exotic, adventurous and different from a traditional home based wedding. This along with popularity for wedding tourism in India has increased the scope of employment for wedding planners in India.

If you enjoy meeting people, have good contacts and love organising things, this job could be perfect for you. Moreover you should have creative ideas to plan a theme and arrange food, rituals, decor, clothes, makeup for the whole family according to the theme. Wedding Planners can get employment in hotels, resorts, event management companies, banquet halls planning special events, bridal shops, caterers, florists, wedding planner firms and many more. At the entry level, one can work under wedding planner firms, bridal shops or event planners. After gaining experience they can start their own enterprise.

How much a Wedding planner/ Bridal Consultant earns
It is difficult to define exactly how much a Wedding planner/ Bridal Consultant earns, every wedding planner will find their own way to charge for their services and depending on location and clients requirements salaries will vary. If you work under a firm or event planner what you earn depends on the reputation of the firm and it can be as salary on monthly basis. On the other hand, where you are the boss of your own enterprise then what you earn from this field is lucrative, you can charge based on your work and client. One can earn a minimum of Rs.10,000- Rs. 20,000 per service.

Institutes In Rajasthan
EduWings (UDAIPUR) –
Picaso (JAIPUR) –


(Source – Career.Webindia)

dscf0926जंतर मंतर जयपुर (Jantar Mantar Jaipur)का एक इतिहासिक स्मारक है, राजस्थान में बहोत सी ऐतिहासिक धरोहर बनी है, जंतर मंतर का निर्माण राजपूत राजा सवाई जय सिंह ने किया था और इसका निर्माण कार्य 1738 CE में पूरा हुआ था. जंतर मंतर में दुनिया की सबसे बड़ी पत्थरो को दीवारघडी बनी हुई है और साथ ही यह यूनेस्को वर्ल्ड हेरिटेज साईट में भी शामिल है.
यह स्मारक जयपुर शहर के सिटी पैलेस और हवा महल के पास बना हुआ है. स्मारक में पीतल के यंत्र देखने लायक है और साथ ही इसके अंदर हिन्दू संस्कृत शब्दों की कलाकृतियाँ भी की गयी है. उन शब्दों का आप खुली आँखों से अवलोकन कर सकते हो. यह इतिहासिक स्मारक प्राचीन आर्किटेक्चरल कलाओ को दर्शाता है और उस समय की नयी-नयी संस्कृतीयो की जानकारी देता है और साथ ही 18 वी शताब्दी के लोगो की विचारधारा को दर्शाता है. बहोत से लोगो ने इसकी सुंदरता का अवलोकन भी किया है. स्मारक में तीन मुख्य खगोलीय तालमेल यंत्रणाये है – सीमा-चरमबिंदु स्थानिक यंत्रणा, भूमध्य यंत्रणा और सूर्यपथ यंत्रणा. कपाला यंत्रप्रकार दो तरह की यंत्रणाओ में काम करता है और सीधे एक यंत्रणा से दूसरी यंत्रणा से तालमेल कराने में सहायक है.


इस ऐतिहासिक स्मारक को 19 वी शताब्दी में काफी क्षति पहोची. बाद में मेजर आर्थर गर्रेट ने बाद में इसकी मरम्मत करवाई थी. जयपुर जिले के असिस्टेंट स्टेट इंजीनियर के पद पर रहते हुए उन्होंने ये सब किया था.

1. जयपुर के जंतर मंतर की एक सामूहिक टिकट है, जिसे लेकर आप हवा महल, अम्बेर किला, नाहरगढ़ किला और अल्बर्ट हॉल म्यूजियम भी जा सकते है.
2. लेकिन जयपुर का जंतर मंतर ही सबसे विशाल माना जाता है.
3. जंतर मतलब “साधन” और मंतर मतलब “फॉर्मूला”, इसीलिये जंतर मंतर का अर्थ “गिनने का साधन है”.
4. जंतर मंतर महाराजा सवाई जय सिंह द्वारा बनाये पाँच अवलोकनों में से एक है जिनमे से एक दिल्ली में भी है.
5. जयपुर के जंतर मंतर की पूर्ण प्राकृतिक सुंदरता को देखने के लिये दोपहर का समय सबसे अच्छा है.
6. जंतर मंतर युनेस्को वर्ल्ड हेरिटेज साईट की सूचि में भी शामिल है.
7. जयपुर के जंतर मंतर में 14 आर्किटेक्चरल असटोनॉमिकल इंस्ट्रुमेंट है.
8. जयपुर का जंतर मंतर पुराने शहर में सिटी पैलेस और हवा महल के बीच बना हुआ है.
9. अधिक फीस देकर जयपुर के जंतर मंतर पर आप बहोत सी भाषाओ में ज्ञान एवम् सहायता भी ले सकते हो.
10. जयपुर के जंतर मंतर की तरह ही दिल्ली का जंतर मंतर बना हुआ है.



The Rajasthan Startup Fest 2016 is beginning tomorrow, November 5th 2016 at Jaipur. Rajasthan Startup Fest is the annual flagship startup event of the beautiful desert state of India. The Fest shall showcase the rapidly emerging startup ecosystem of Jaipur, with its high quality social infrastructure, startup friendly cost structure, presence of incubation centres and co-working hubs, angel networks and a state focused venture capital fund, in addition to its strategic proximity to the NCR region.

This fest is being organized by RIICO and Startup Oasis is a co-organizer. CIIE is the Knowledge Partner for the fest.

Dilnawaz Khan From Startup Oasis informed that the fest will be held at Jaipur Exhibition & Convention Center, Sitapura, Jaipur

where 200 plus startups, 50 plus angel and venture capital investors, 30 plus mentors, startup coaches and startup ecosystem players and 50 plus speakers will come together for two days of high energy interactions and exciting sessions.

For more details of the event you can visit and the detailed agenda can be found at

One2all is the Outreach Partner for Rajasthan Startup Fest 2016.