
Getting a job is not difficult if you possess the right skills. Most of us do a lot of hard work and research to clear our examinations so as to show our progress to the future employer. Similarly getting a job also requires a lot of hard work. It needs your entire stamina summed up for preparations for getting a job. There are some points that we need to look into while going for an interview. Since applying for a job happens online where you submit soft copies of your skills through emails, that part can be done easily. The difficult part is actually facing the future employers. When we say ‘difficult’, we do not mean to scare you …all we are trying to tell you is that you need to be impressive and present yourself accurately so that your employer simply snaps his fingers and say “Selected” or stamp your resume with the same.
Getting a job is not simply about pages filled up with qualifications, it is much more than that. It is more about your attitude that grabs the employer’s mind.
Everyone dresses to impress. Before you go for an interview, there are certain dress-ups that you need to take care of. The first and the most important one is your resume. If your resume is not well dressed, you cannot even enter the premises where there are oh!so significant people who do not cast an eye only on your attire before deciding whether you fit into their company or not.

dmmDressing up the resume doesn’t mean copy-paste your details on a handmade paper and then keeping that paper in a designer cover. To dress up your resume, you need to shape it well….where shaping means filling it up with relevant details where you keep it significantly short(the KISS formula works here, too, though in a different context). Your resume should be well organised, so before you apply for a job anywhere, please make sure that your resume undergoes professional hands so that they can restructure it based on the kind of companies you wish to apply in.
When you are called for an interview, make sure that you do a research on the company and the responsibilities you might have to take over. The employer must get a good idea that you are well informed about their achievements.
Once you get through the interview and it is time for you to attend to your job, there are certain significant points you must keep in mind. These include:
Dressing well for work.
Being punctual and staying productive until EOD.
Always remember to keep your mobiles on silent mode. Ringing mobiles cause disruption in work and may irritate and break the concentration of others, too. It is also important that you refrain from attending regular messages while at work unless extremely important. This task should be done when you take a break.
Use computers only for job-related works in the office.
Speak to everyone in a polite and soft tone.



zigsaw-consultancy3Employment has become a tough task. Even with the growth of companies and the level of education going higher and higher, finding a job drains entire energy. Vaibhav Chauhan came to aid with his recruitment agency by the name Zigsaw in our very own city of Udaipur. Born on 9th October 1990 he did his schooling from St. Anthony’s and holds an engineer’s degree. He describes himself as HR by choice who worked in TATA Power for 3 years with one year in Learning and Development. He started Zigsaw in October 2015.

He says his work pattern differs from the regular recruitment companies. Until now his city mates were paying to get a job, but now with his company in function they get paid when they refer their friends for jobs.

While talking about the establishment he said that the company started working on Test Algorithm in summer of 2013. 18 months into R&D, they realised the need to focus on the acceptability of the product and decided to start work on recruitment.

The company is a recruitment service which helps companies get talented employees and help job seekers get an employment of their choice. Zigsaw is a recruitment product which connects job seekers and job providers on an open platform. The portal is an open portal unlike others. With the recruitment applications like OTG that improve recruiter efficiency by 800%, Zigsaw plans to continuously innovate across recruitment process and make things much simpler for job seekers and providers both. They also envision gamification of recruitment process.

As for the inspiration behind his venture, Vaibhav commented that he had started working on Test Algorithm in April 2013 and was looking for a technical co-founder. Despite the fact that many were there, he was not able to connect with even one. This incident pushed the company to focus on the application of test algorithm than the problem itself.

Similar to a lot of other start-ups , Vaibhav also faced a lot of problems and also felt like quitting. But those tough times made him go further. He says “What you do in the tough moments determines how far you wil go.” That definitely is an inspirational thought.

He puts forward the qualities of perseverance, passion and accepting technology as an enabler. Since apps and online services do play an important role, Vaibhav suggests Microsoft Excel and google spreadsheet which enable sharing of documents.

The live inspiration for him is Mr. Arun Singhal,Faculty and Career Service Advisor at IIM, Udaipur with whom he has discussed ideas and gained insights for analysing plans and developing through them.

Perseverance is the most important success tool. It is more important than skill, ability and networking, opines Vaibhav. He quotes Albert Einstein “IT IS NOT THAT I AM SMART, IT IS JUST THAT I STAY WITH PROBLEMS LONGER”.

We quote Vaibhav here because these words flowed out from the depth…

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. – Mark Twain.

Vaibhav also poured out his love and respect for his family who supported him throughout his journey till date. His L&D(HR Dept) role from Tata power would have made people assume otherwise, he said.

His positive approach reflected a lot when we asked him about the points to be thought about before jumping into any business. His words ‘Would you do if there was no money involved? Would you do it if you were to do it as a hobby? If the answer is YES, go for it’… and he said it all.

His plans are to become the largest communication channel for all job seekers and providers envisioning 5000 jobs and 50000 job seekers by June 2017. He wishes to bring the concept of gamification to recruitment in the next 2 years. Vaibhav quoted a scene from the movie Troy where Brad Pitt is leading a boat attack on Troy and there is one soldier asking him what he sees ahead. Brad says Immortality.

Achievement – February end 2016, Zigsaw started focussing on Udaipur recruitment ecosystem. Now a facebook group has been built by the name “Jobs in Udaipur(by Zigsaw)” having 22000 members sharing 5 jobs on daily basis. His heart fills up with pride as this group was created from scratch in 9 months.

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