
paramMother’s day is celebrated every year on 14 may in the honour of mother.It is originated in the North America for celebrating the motherhood.It is celebrated to increase the mother’s importance.Mother’s day is being celebrated every year on different dates in various countries all across the world.
Mother’s day in India is celebrated on 14th may.It falls every year on second Sunday of the month of may.Mother’s day celebration was first started in the ancient era by the Greek and Roman.

Our mothers took the pain of carrying us for 9 months and immeasurable amounts of pain, she raised us, gave us the values that we needed to live with dignity loved and cared for us.
A mother is never really alone in her thoughts.A mother always thinks twice, once for her kids and once for herself.She is everything for her kid’s, their friend, their spirit, their influence towards success.There is no replacement for her.she is the best of best.

M for Marvelous
O is for Open
T is for Trustworthy
H is for Honest
E is for Elegant
R is for Reliable


paramEvery woman deserves equal rights..she is a role model for the society. every woman deserve respect, love, care, affection, appreciation, equality…n more then a time she handles her family, her kid’s, her job..she is bundle of joy for her family..where ever she go’s she spreads her all love to everyone’s life n glitter there life’s with her love..
In India n some more country’s most of the people think women’s education is not necessary.even women’s r not treated well too.if women’s r not educated how come the next generation will be educated…
But it we c our ancient time. we have goddess Durga , goddess Laxmi , goddess Saraswati n soo many goddesses whom we worship them n they r equal like another God.our veda’s tell us soo many that time when women’s are not less than anyone when why today when we r in the 20th century, housewife when science is more progressive we think women’s r less than anyone…
God send men n women equal on this earth..who r we to decide anything..??
I think women’s r more strong then men’s..they give birth to a child..after barring all the pain…The most courageous thing in the world to give birth a child.she is next to God.. every woman either housewife or working, she deserves every happiness in the world..a big salute to every woman.
Proud to be a women…

  • Param Arora