Careers City


 विगत दिनों सेन्ट एंथोनी स्कूल में आयोजित अन्तविद्यालयी स्केटिंग प्रतियोगिता आयोजित की गई थी। इस प्रतियोगिता में रॉकवुडस हाई स्कूल के विद्यार्थियों का उत्कृष्ट प्रदर्शन रहा और संस्था का गौरव  बढ़ाया।

प्राचार्या श्रीमती अंजला शर्मा ने जानकारी देते हुए बताया कि रॉकवुडस हाई स्कूल के विद्यार्थियों ने अंडर – 7 से 9 वर्ष की आयु वर्ग में निवृति वाई परमार कक्षा तीन ने रजत पदक, अंडर – 11 से 14 वर्ष की आयु वर्ग में सौमिल कक्षा छः ने स्वर्ण पदक, समीधा दादासो दलवी कक्षा सात ने रजत पदक, रिधम मेहता कक्षा आठवीं ने स्वर्ण पदक व निर्मन्यु सिंह चैहान कक्षा नवीं ने कांस्य पदक हासिल किए।

इस अवसर पर संस्था निदेशक श्रीमान् दीपक शर्मा ने विजेता विद्यार्थियों को बधाई प्रेषित की।

Careers Featured

स्टूडेन्ट एक्सचेंज प्रोग्राम में रॉकवुडस के विद्यार्थी जर्मनी रवाना

रॉकवुडस स्कूल के कक्षा ग्यारवीं एवं बारहवीं के विद्यार्थियों का दल स्टूडेन्ट एक्सचेंज कार्यक्रम के तहत रविवार को जर्मनी के लिए रवाना हुआ। जर्मनी में ये दल डी.बी.बी.सी. स्कूल के विद्यार्थियों से मिलकर वहाँ की संस्कृति, शिक्षा व विभिन्न गतिविधियों का अध्ययन करेगा। जर्मनी से लौटते हुए ये दल कुछ दिन पेरिस में बिताएंगें, जहाँ विभिन्न विश्व प्रसिद्ध स्मारको जैसे एफिल टावर और म्युजियम ‘लुव्र’ भी देखेंगे।

संस्था के निदेशक श्रीमान् दीपक शर्मा ने बताया कि ये दल 15 दिन वहाँ के विभिन्न स्थानों पर विद्यार्थियों के साथ रहकर दूसरे देशों की संस्कृति, रहन-सहन व नवाचारों का अध्ययन करेगा। इससे पूर्व जर्मनी विद्यार्थियों का भी एक दल एक्सचेंज प्रोग्राम के तहत राॅकवुड्स स्कूल में आया था। रॉकवुडस स्कूल में यह कार्यक्रम विगत कई वर्षों से आयोजित किया जा रहा है।


Career & Scope in Artificial Intelligence

#What is AI ?
AI का एक सीधा सा अर्थ “कृतिम बुद्धि”, मतलब है कि AI इंसानो की तरह खुद निर्णय लेता है कि हमे क्या करना है। परेशानियों व परिस्तिथि के अनुसार कैसे जवाब देना है।

मनुष्य के दैनिक जीवन मे बहुत से कार्यो को करता है पर उन कार्यो को करने के लिए अपने दिमाग का इस्तेमाल कर सोच समझकर निर्णय लेता है कि हमे इस कार्य को पूरा कैसे करे, इसका हल कैसे निकाले इत्यादि।

बस AI में यही इंसान की सोचने व निर्णय लेने की शक्ति को एक मशीन, सॉफ्टवेयर, प्रोग्राम में डाल कर सेट किया जाता है। ताकि AI खुद सोचे कि कार्य को कैसे करना है व किस तरह से करना है।
जैसे मनुष्य देखकर, सुनकर, महसूस करके अपनी बौद्धिक क्षमता को बढ़ाता है वैसे ही AI अपनी बौद्विक क्षमता को समाज के बीच रहकर बढ़ाता है।

#AI के कुछ साधारण से उदाहरण :-
(1) गूगल की सेल्फ ड्राइव कार जो किसी बिना इंसान के चलती है खुद निर्णय लेती है कहा तक पहुचना है, किस रास्ते से जाना है, रास्ते मे ट्रैफिक का ध्यान कैसे रखना है।
(2) कंप्यूटर में चैस गेम, जिसमे इंसान कंप्यूटर के साथ चैस खेलता है। इस गेम में कंप्यूटर, इंसान की चाल के अनुसार खुद निर्णय लेकर अपनी चाल चलता है।
(3) गूगल ASK, जिसमे इंसान कहता है मुझे हिंदी गाना सुनना है और गूगल ASK इंसान की आवाज सुनकर, फिर समझते हुए उसके सामने हिंदी गाने की सूची प्रस्तुत कर लेता है।
(4) चिकित्सा क्षेत्र में भी कही जगह पर रोबोट इंसान की बीमारी की जांच कर रहा है।

#Future of AI ?
भविष्य में AI सबसे बड़ा क्षेत्र होगा यह आज के वैज्ञानिकों का मानना है। आने वाले समय मे ऐसी मशीन होगी जो इंसानो की तरह भावनाओं को समझेगी व प्रतिक्रिया देगी। आज जो भी कार्य मनुष्य कर रहे है कल के समय मे वो कार्य मशीन आसानी से कर लेगी। AI इंसान के समाज का अभिन्न अंग बनेगी। एक ऐसा समय होगा जब ‘होम रोबोट’ इंसान के कामों में उनकी मदद करेगा और उनके एक साथी साबित होगा।

यद्यपि हम एआई और उसके प्रभावों की सीमा को नहीं जानते हैं, लेकिन एक चीज जिसे हम निश्चित रूप से जानते हैं वह यह है कि जल्द ही हमारे दैनिक जीवन इसके साथ जुड़े रहेंगे। इसकी असीमित शक्ति के साथ, असंभव-दावा की गई समस्याओं को हल करना संभव होगा।

#Educational Requirements for Career in AI ?
-Following Academic Skills for AI.
(1) Various Level of Math including probability, statistics, algebra, calculus, logic, and algorithms.
(2) Bayesian Networking or Graphical Modeling, including Neural Nets.
(3) Physics, Engineering, and Robotics.
(4) Computer Science & Programming Languages and Coding.
(5) Cognitive Science Theory.

#AboutCareers :-
(A) Career Domains
Private Companies | Public Organizations | Education | Healthcare Facilities | Government Agencies | Army and many more

(B) Job Roles
Software Analysts and Developers | Data scientist | R&D engineer | Computer Scientists and Computer Engineers | Algorithm Specialists | Research Scientists and Engineering Consultants | Mechanical Engineers and Maintenance Technicians | Manufacturing and Electrical Engineers | Surgical Technicians Working with Robotic Tools | Military and Aviation Electricians working with flight simulators, drones, and armaments.

#Conclusion :-
To be successful in AI domain, you are required to have good mathematics knowledge, have a sturdy foundation on system software, algorithms, and data structure. In addition, you should have adequate skills for problem-solving, programming and learning.

Artificial intelligence is one of the highest demanding fields. It includes general AI, expert systems also known as data mining, machine learning, Neural Network and lastly, fuzzy systems. These have been essential and interesting topics among the students, scholars, faculties as well as professionals.


जैन सोशल ग्रुप-समता द्वारा करियर काउन्सलिंग से सम्बन्धित एक बेहद प्रेरक वर्कशॉप का आयोजन किया जाने वाला है | 30 अप्रैल, रविवार , को सुखाड़िया यूनिवर्सिटी ऑडिटोरियम में इस वर्कशॉप के तहत ये निम्न सेशन होंगे :

सेशन 1- प्रात: 9 से 11

करियर डेवलपमेंट एंड काउन्सलिंग वर्कशॉप जिसमें Mr. Himanshu K. Paliwal (Motivational Corporate Trainer and Chief with JSC Ex-CEO with Indian and African organization) और Mr. Arun Raj (MD, Alternate HR Solutions Pvt.Ltd. , Professional Career Counsellor) इस विषय पर रोशनी डालेंगे |

सेशन 2- प्रात: 11 से 12:30

इस सेशन के तहत How to Realise your Dreams(अपने सपनों को साकर कैसे करें) विषय पर Shri SP Bharill (India’s Leading Motivational Speaker, Educator, Author and Entrepreneur, Awarded with Indira Gandhi Priyadarshani Award) सभी का ज्ञान वर्धन करेंगे |

इस कार्यक्रम के लिए फ्री पास 25 अप्रैल तक निम्न स्थानों पर उपलब्ध हैं :

SUN COLLEGE, Sun campus, Navkar, University road, Udaipur- Mobile 94141-56570

KOTHARI ENTERPRISES, Opposite Udaipur Hospital, Surajpole, Udaipur- Mobile 94619-19236

ARUNODAYA GROUP, Opposite Old ChungiNaka, Bhuwana, Udaipur- Mobile 98291-91991

HINDUSTAN ELECTRICALS, 1 Town Hall Road, Udaipur- Mobile 94141-65543

कार्यक्रम के उद्घोषक एवं निवेदक ( Announcers and Informants)

ARUN MANDOT (Co-ordinator and President) (mobile 94141-56570)

RAAKESH NANDAWAT (Secretary) (mobile 94133-18215)





Udaipur, proud of its lakes, has had many people doing extraordinary things to make it more proud. Yet another feather in the lake city’s cap is Alpesh Nagar, a Cinematographer, who did his B.Tech from Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies and is presently living in Mumbai to follow his passion.
Alpesh has won the Best Cinematographer Rajat Kamal National Film Award for a non-feature film, 2016 to be given away in 2017. “Kalpvriksh” was shot by Alpesh in 2014 as his academic final project diploma for which he bagged this award.
Having done his schooling in PCM from Guru Govind Singh Sr. and college from GITS, Alpesh shifted to Vadodara in Gujarat to study Dramatics. He worked as a part-time graphic designer for a local advertising firm. During this tenure, he made short films to project himself to FTII, Pune & got selected as top 32 scholars in 2014 for one-year cinematography course. And that is when “Kalpvriksh” was planted and it bloomed. He now has a few projects in hand in Mumbai.

As per the citation for the award “The mysterious beauty of the narrative comes alive through artful camera work. The camera paints a rich and colourful canvas for the narrative that is both grim and tragic.”
The story of ‘Kalpvriksh’ explains the citation well. It is a movie about the journey of a young girl who needs to find some answers. This movie was shot around the fringes of Pune, mostly at Mulshi. Some parts were shot in FTII premises and some at NFAI. The effort has been made to maintain natural surroundings to add an element of rawness and simplicity to the movie.
The unmatchable mind of our very own Udaipur’s Alpesh Nagar sowing seeds of this “Kalpvriksh” is a proof that talent makes itself heard loud and clear. There is no doubt that Alpesh will go much farther in life since his determination to stand out in the crowd yet be a part of it keeps him humble.


Good news is around the corner for the aspiring social entrepreneurs and early stage education and other impact start-ups. A Speaker series is being organised on the 3rd of March in College of Technology on University road, Udaipur.

Start-up Oasis in partnership with Department of International Development (DFID) is looking forward to support and fund high-potential social enterprises fro Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. This step has been initiated by Technology Development Board (TDB), Government of India. This event in collaboration with TEDSTART Udaipur will feature talk and panel discussions by qualified education professionals and start-ups.

Date : March 3, 2017

Time : 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Venue : TEDSTART, Udaipur – College of Technology, University Road, Udaipur

Contact Person – Niloy (City Lead) – 8239975602


Date: Feb 21, 2017
Time : 10.00 AM – 05.00 PM

Venue : (Confrence Hall, Aravali Hospital Amaba Mata Scheme – Udaipur)

For Details / Queries / Association Please Drop An Email On  


Jobs Confirmed Till Today For Job Fest

ONE2ALL SOFTWARE AND ADVERTISING Graphic Designer 2 8000-12000
VSupport LLC International Online Technical Support Remote Technical Support Officer 18 8000 – 25000
VSupport LLC International Online Technical Support Remote Technical Sales Officer 25 8000 – 25000
VSupport LLC International Online Technical Support Quality Analyst – Sales 5 8000 – 18000
VSupport LLC International Online Technical Support Quality Analyst – Tech 5 8000 – 18000
VSupport LLC International Online Technical Support IT – Manager 3 15000 – 30000
VSupport LLC International Online Technical Support Accountant 2 12000 – 20000
VSupport LLC International Online Technical Support Office Assistant 2 8000 – 12000
VSupport LLC International Online Technical Support Marketing Manager 1 15000 – 25000
Etcetera service Care and Services female Tele caller 1 6000+ incentive
Etcetera service Care And Services Male Marketing executive 1 8000
TravlOnCards Travel & Leisure Sales & Marketing 2 10000
TravlOnCards Travel & Leisure Social Media Handling 2 10000
TravlOnCards Travel & Leisure Intern 5 12000
KCS EDUTECH pvt. ltd Education Tele Caller 2 6000-8000
KCS Edutech Pvt. Ltd. Education Marketing 2 8000-12000
KCS Edutech Pvt. Ltd. Education Counsellor 2 8000-12000
Aravali Hospital Hospital Doctor 5 No Bar For Deserving Candidate
Wizorbit Softwares Pvt. Ltd. Information Technology Business Development Executive (Night Shift) 2 8000-15000
Wizorbit Softwares Pvt. Ltd. Information Technology Business Development Executive (Day Shift) 2 8000-15000
Wizorbit Softwares Pvt. Ltd. Information Technology Asp.Net Developer 2 8000-15000
Wizorbit Softwares Pvt. Ltd. Information Technology PHP Developer 2 8000-15000

Announcement – 1 


Training Date & Time : 20/ 02 / 2017 – 03.00 PM – 06.00

  (Confrence Hall, Aravali Hospital Amaba Mata Scheme – Udaipur)

Recruitment Supporting Partner : 


On 7th January IMS Udaipur center conducted finale round of IMS Genius Quiz 2017. 1000+ Students participated in online quiz on and 200+ students participated in finale round.

Neelkamal Agarwal – Director, IMS Udaipur Center informed team one2all that Roshni Choudhary from maharana mewar public school got 1st rank, Saket Vijay from st. Anthony got second rank & Naman Mehta from seedling public school got the third rank. All top three winners will get cash prizes + scholarship up to Rs. 51,000 in academic programs of IMS Udaipur Center.
Team one2all wishes bright future of all the participants and winners and special thanks to Mrs. Neelkamal Agarwal & Mr. Anupam Agarwal for conducting such interesting quizzes to encourage the students of Udaipur.



med2Research shows that a patients needs to visit a specialty doctor once or twice a year but people crowd specialty medical centers for primary care, even though there are hundreds of capable physicians and paramedical staff available. Medhola saw an opportunity and uncovered this hidden inventory and real-time medical care facility a reality.

Medhola is India’s first integrated digital medical assistance to preventive and supportive medical services. Medhola Beta Version provides supportive healthcare solution by connecting nearby Medical service provider (Doctor, Nurse, Pharma Store, nutritionist, Path-lab Etc.) to user (patient/ attendant) on real time basis, i.e. homecare services on just a click. Second phase would harness the analytics capability to provide innovative Smart Controllers, which would monitor, track, notify and suggest the health indicators on real time.

Its world first mobile application to provide unique features like “COMPARE”which helps user to compares multiple medical services and select services as per requirement. Its features like “E- HEALTH CARD” helps user to store complete medical history and generate copy in PDF which can be mailed/whatsapp in case of emergency to concerned doctor.

Other features like “DIGITAL HEALTH REPORTS”provide an option to store prescription, investigation report, ongoing treatment data etc. which can be access form remote location at any given point of time. Application also provide details like google maps tracker showing GPS location, route and time to destination to user who has booked medical service.

Medhola deploys a technology light platform, providing seamless connectivity even in low coverage zones and has rigorous process for listing medical service provider on the portal, ensuring complete authenticity.

Pricing and availability:

Medhola aims to provide affordable price points, which would be either lower or competitive to current market operating charges. The beta version would comprises of complementary services without any service charges whereas full-service model would be operational by Mar’17 for Udaipur and target is to launch service in all major cities of Rajasthan by the end of the current financial year.

About Medhola

Founder - Medhola

Gaurav Dhakar

Medhola is brain child of local resident Gaurav Dhakar, an alumnus of IIM Udaipur, NMIMS, Mumbai and CTAE, Udaipur. He is a strategy professional with more than 9 years of experience in various sectors like Media, Airport, Retail, Auto Ancillaries, IT, NGO and Govt advisory.

Medhola team has been mentored by medical field veteran having an average experience of 30 years in the administrative and as well as clinical side. Medhola is a true “Make in Udaipur” initiative where complete workforce is based out of Udaipur City. Medhola mobile app is available on Google Play Store and