कौन कहता है कि सिर्फ इंदौर के लोग अच्छे खाने पीने शौक़ीन हैं !! हमारे प्यारे उदयपुरवासी भी लज़ीज़ व्यंजन पसंद करते हैं, फिर वो चाहे किसी भी प्रांत, जिले या देश के हों | उदयपुर शहर में खाने पीने की कमी नहीं है | हर किसी गली मोहल्ले में आपको कुछ न कुछ खाने को मिल ही जायेगा | चाट-पकोड़ी हो या चाइनीज़, पंजाबी हो या राजस्थानी, इतालियन हो या मेक्सिकन या फिर हो साउथ इंडियन…यहां सब मिलता है बस नज़रें घुमाने की देर होती है |
The city tickles everybody’s taste buds with a variety of restaurants, take-away centers, even online food centers and those typically mast-mast paani poori thelas. Spicy, tangy, lip-smacking food is available everywhere. From the typically traditional homemade khana to various course food, Udaipur has it all.
Early morning you can find people having breakfast at the different corners of the city. Poha, samosa, kachori, jalebi, sabudana khichdi, lassi and chaach, tea and coffee with mirchi bada are enjoyed invariably by the morning walkers. It actually adds to the fun of being with friends and family when you stand outside a desi nashta centre and hot and spicy and not so spicy and sweet dishes are handed over to you either wrapped in sections cut out from newspapers or in paper plates. Kind of a picnic feeling…isn’t it?
Come afternoon and run your eyes around. The nimbu shikanji thelas and the sharbat and barf ka gola vala thelas are all crowded by youngsters on a break from college or people taking break from office. The chaat centres are also flocked by a lot of people who are on a shopping spree.
Evening time is the time when depending on seasons, people opt for tea and coffee away from home or icecream centres with sandwiches as fillers between meals. Easing the tensions of the day, gossiping away with friends, various eating joints are found almost full with tourists and localites enjoying sumptuous dinner with friends or family.
The city specially offers dal-bati treat to give you a feel of Rajasthan. Also a variety of locally available vegetables cooked with Rajasthani spices add to the plate making it even tastier yet homely. Not to forget the pakoda centers which fill up your nostrils and soothe your empty stomach very specifically when you are observing fasts during navratras or other festivals. The thelas even offer nimbu pani and sabhudana khichdi and vadas for fasting days.
If they say that Indore is the only city that loves food, then it is a big NO as every other day a new outlet starts making you rush out of your kitchen and relieve your senses from that kitchen heat. The city is not short of non-veg food either. Whether it is biryani or fish, fried or with gravy, as snack or with noodles, you have it all. The aromatic tikkas available at most of the take-away centres are a delight to the senses. People who love to eat non-veg but do not cook at home to avoid the hassle of cleaning and spending hours on a dish enjoy the varieties available in lanes, on road-side and the restaurants that offer Indian, Mughalai, Mexican, Moroccan and other varieties. Even thelas providing egg varieties are a hot favourite among those who can’t tolerate the smell of an egg being fried at home but love to eat… hence enjoying it outside. The temperature and weather do not matter when it comes to eating away from home.
With the international food chains hitting every city, Udaipur is never short of Pizzas and burgers. Some people as budding entrepreneurs have also created a name in the field of pizza offering it in Indian tastes which include vegetarian, non-vegetarian and even Jain pizzas.

Move out of your house and enjoy eating the most fantastic food available and you will return burping promising yourself the next round soon.
अब ये ना कहियेगा कि अच्छा ऐसी बात है, हमें तो पता ही नहीं था | ज़रा भागती दौड़ती ज़िन्दगी में से अच्छे खाने के लिए समय निकालिए और बाहर जाकर अपने परिवार या अपने दोस्तों के साथ…जैसा चाहें…खाइए…इस तरह सबके साथ वक़्त गुज़ारने का बहाना भी मिलेगा और मौका भी, क्यों सही है ना ?