Life Style

हमारी यह प्रजाति प्राय: सब जगह पाई जाती हे कानुन, यातायात, शहर,लगभग सभी व्यव्स्थाओ को धत्ता बातने मे बड़े माहिर शातिर व चालाक होते हे ।

शहर मे कोई भी साहेब बहादुर, कप्तान, उप-कप्तान या अन्य कोई भी प्रशासनिक साहेब नये आते हे तो हम बेबाक उनको मिल कर अपना परिचय देते हे ओर बताते हे की हम ही तो वो लोग हे जिन्होने शहर को नेस्तोनाबुद करने की कसम खाई हे ओर हमारे वाहन, हमारे दुकान, शोरुम्म, घर, रास्ते ओर यहा तक की हमारे मिलने वालो तक को कह रखा हे की हमारी मर्ज़ी आएगी जो करेंगे ओर आप हमारा अच्छे से ख्याल रखना जी ।

साहेब उनकी बात जब तक समझे तब तक तो हम अपना रोब बताते हुए अपना काम निकाल ही देते हे ।

हम तो इतने ढीट हे की पार्किंग के लिये कप्तान साहेब से लड़ते हुए ” आपको देख लूँगा ” तक की बात कह जाते हे ओर रसूखदारि दिखाकर अपना वाहन यथा स्थान पर पुन: लगा कर कप्तान साहेब को अपनी रसूखदारि से अवगत करवा देते हे ।

काफी हद तक इस शहर की व्यव्स्था को चोपट कर चार चान्द लगाने वाले हम रसूखदार प्रजाति के लोगो का बहूत बडा योगदान हे हमारी प्रजाति मे बड़े व्यापारी, बड़ी खाने पीने वाली होटल वाले, बड़ी बड़ी रोज्मरा के समान बचने वाले, बड़ी बड़ी दुकान वाले, बड़ी नामी कम्पनी के संचालक, छोटी संकरी जगह पर अतिक्रमण कर ओर संकरा करने वाले, महंगी से महंगी कार खरीद कर पे-पार्किंग मे नही लगाने वाले, सभी प्रकार की व्यव्स्था को तोड मरोड कर अपने अनुसार करने मे माहिर इत्यादी प्रजाति हे । अब हमारे साथ भी अनहोनी एसी रहती हे की बड़े साहेब बहादुर से उन्के निवास/कार्यालय पर जाकर भेंट सहित मिल लेते हे ओर अवगत कराते हे की साहेब हम वही लोग हे जिन्होने इस खुबसूरत शहर का बंटाधार कर रखा है ओर आगे भौ यही करेँगे, बस आप तो हुकम करना कप्तान साहेब हम आपको नवाज देंगे । हम ही वो लोग हे जो सभी जगह अपनापन ( सिर्फ खुद का होना ) दिखते हे अब चाहे अस्पताल हो, खाकी की जगह हो, या किसी भी प्रकार का प्रशासनिक विभाग जो ।

हमने अपने पेर इतने पसारे हुए हे की हमे अपने अलावा कोई भी नही दिखता हे ओर हम लोग कभी गलती से भी आइना नही देखते हे ।
हा हममे सबसे बड़ी खूबी यह हे की हम हमारी गलती, खराबी, अतिक्रमण, नाजायज ओर बद्तमीजी को बखुबी छुपा कर उसको निपटा देते हे ।

हम अपनी तारिफ खुद क्या बयान करे बस हमारे बडप्पन की इन्तेहा हे की हम ही जिन्होने एक आमो खास आदमी, शहर वासियो को, छोटे-छोटे तब्को क गरिब लोगो को परेशान कर रखा हे । अन्ततः हम तो यमराज जी को भी कई बार चकमा देकर भाग खडे हुए हे साथ ही यह रसूखदारि का बीज हमने अपने आने वाली पीडी मे भी बो दिया हे ताकी हम मर कर भी अमर रहे

जय भ्रष्टाचार देव

जय श्री अशांति देवी

जय श्री पेसा जी महाराज की •••••

–  Wazir Saed Shams

Email –


जिन्दगी फिसल गई


मुट्ठी में बंद रेत सी

जिन्दगी फिसल गई

सबको खुश करते- करते

ना जाने,कहां चली गई

जिन्दगी हमें, हम जिन्दगी को

तलाशते रह गए

खुद को भूल, बाकी सबको

तराशते रह गए

वजूद अपना ,अपनों मे यूँ खो गया

खुद को ढूंढ रहे हैं अब

पता  खो गया

जीना है  अब अपने साथ

अपने भी लिए

सोना नहीं है आगोश मे

अधूरे सपनों को  लिए

अपने हिस्से का आकाश

अब मुझको भी पाना है

रोक सकेगा ना अब कोई

कुछ करने का मन ने ठाना है

खुली हवा की महकी सांसें

छू रही हैं तन मन को

जीवन से परिचय हो रहा

पा रही हूँ  अब खुद को

समझ आ रहा है कुछ-कुछ

धुंधला सा था जो पहले सबकुछ

अपनों के लिए जीना है बेहतर

पर खुद को कभी ना खोना है

रिश्तों की माला मे, मोती बन

खुद को भी संग पिरोना है


–शशि बोलिया

Place to visit

राठासन माता का प्राचीन मंदिर . उदयपुर से निकल कर जैसे ही आप चिरवा टनल पार करते है , बाई हाथ की और ऊंची पहाड़ी पे एक मंदिर नज़र आता है , यही है राठासन माता का मंदिर . पहाड़ी की सर्वोच्च चोटी पर स्तिथ ये मंदिर बड़ा ही अद्धभुत है , ये मंदिर मेवाड़ राजघराने की सम्पति है और उन की ट्रस्ट के अंतर्गत इसका सञ्चालन होता है. यहाँ की प्राचीन मूर्तियों की सुंदरता देखते ही बनती है . यहाँ की बहुत ही दिव्य और चमत्कारी मंदिर की महिमा है . लगभग नीमज माता मंदिर से कुछ ज़्यादा चढाई है पर अगर आप नीमज माता मंदिर चढ़ सकते है तो यहाँ भी आप आसानी से पहुंच जायेंगे . यहाँ के देखरेख करने वाले और महंत बहुत ही अच्छे स्वाभाव के लोग है , बहुत अच्छे से आगंतुकों की अगवानी करना और मीठी बातो से आप का दिल जीतना यथा संभव आप की प्रसाद/ भोजन की मनवार करना यहाँ की ख़ास बात है और अगर आप उदयपुर HRH कार्यालय से अनुमति प्राप्त कर ले तो आप मदिर प्रांगण में रात भी गुज़ार सकते है . शाम की आरती का आनंद आप को परमेश्वर के इतना करीब ले आता है जिस का वर्णन संभव नहीं है ! और प्रातःकाल की मंदिर की सफाई और सेवा भी देखते ही बनती है . कुल मिला के अगर आप यहाँ नहीं आये तो ये कहना उचित होगा की आप ने उदयपुर के जीवन का एक अलौकिक क्ष्रण खो दिया है .

By Sharad Lodha Sharad Lodha

Events Humans of Udaipur

चाहे यह ग्रुप जो या शहर यह नाम लगभग सभी का जाना पहचाना है क्योंकि क्या बच्चे क्या बड़े लगभग हर कोई इनका मित्र है इन्हें जनता है और इनसे प्रेरणा लेते रहता है l जैन साहब पेशे से जीवन बीमा सलाहकार हैं साथ ही विषम परिस्थितिओं में लोन की आवश्यकता होने पर भी आप जैन साहब से संपर्क कर सकते हैं मेरा वादा है ये आपको निश्चित रूप से सही राह दिखाएँगे l

सेवानिवृति की उम्र में भी जो जोश जज़्बा और उमंग आप इनमे देख सकते हैं वो आप पूरे शहर में शायद ही तलाश कर पाएं l

चाहे किसी की मदद हो या पेड़ लगाना या रक्त की व्यवस्था जहाँ जहाँ इंसानियत की जरुरत है वहां सर बिना किसी निमंत्रण अपनी जिम्मेदारी समझ पहुँच जाते हैं वो भी इस युग में जहाँ लोग घर की घर में मदद नहीं करते पर अशोक जी ना नाम पूछते हैं ना कुछ और बस इन्हें पता लगना चाहिए और ये हाजिर हो जाते हैं l

जैन साहब के किस्से जब पता पडते हैं तो बस एक ही लाइन हर किसी के मुँह से निकलती है की कब मुझे भी इनके जैसी सोच और जीवन शैली मिले l व्यवस्थित दिनचर्या के साथ गज़ब की स्फूर्ति और जोश, लगभग हर रविवार 25 से 40 किलोमीटर साइकल चलाने का जोश पता नहीं कहाँ से आता हैं हम में से कई तो सोच कर ही थक जाते हैं की अपने बस की बात नहीं l

जैन साहब के बारे में ज्यादा लिखने से अच्छा हैं की आप इनसे जुड़ें और नित नई प्रेरणा ले लें

Humans of Udaipur

Ruchika Jain ” is one such Udaipurite who has given a new definition to the term ‘Women Empowerment’. An empowered woman never depends or waits for resources or helping hands to accomplish her dreams and goals in life.

She fills the gaps and moulds every adverse situation to her benefit, to reach a step closer to her goal. Ruchika is someone who has marked her presence and has made everyone appreciate her for her efforts.

She is the first girl in Mewar to have completed the Himalayan Charder Trek 11,150ft (105 km) in – 35 degrees Celsius frozen temperature. The most amazing part was that, out of the 16 trekkers, 9 returned back and in the rest who completed the trek, Ruchika was the only girl.

‘The Inspiration’

An engineering pass out from CTAE, she landed up being a lecturer in one of the top universities in Udaipur, but it wasn’t something with which she could have stopped and lived a contented life as her contentment wasn’t meant just for this thing.

She never wanted to be a part of the crowd and the everyday mechanical life seemed to be too ordinary to her. She wanted to mark her foot prints at every corner of the world.

She desired a life of adventure, to play around nature, to listen to the music that rivers create while flowing along its shores, to feel the sun rise on her face on the coldest morning of the year and to live a life that has content and substance.

She strongly believes that at the end of the day what matter the most is – “How much are you satisfied with what you are doing in your life” and that was the reason why she got this inclination towards trekking as it was something that could have fulfilled her dream of living with nature and adventure.

‘The Preparation and Accomplishments’

Her journey into her dreams began last year, where she made her first solo trip to Mangalore. This experience motivated her and gave her the much needed courage to go further into her dream. She then visited several other places like Maharashtra, Uttakhand, Karantaka, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Kashmir and Delhi.

Her first trek was at Dharmshala Himachal Pradesh. She never told this achievement of hers to her family as she knew that she needs to get into something such that her family could feel confident about her aspirations, that she could make it on her own.

She joined as a lecturer at Pacific University, such that she could sustain her ambitions and could transform her dreams into realities.

– Kedar Kantha was her second trek which is at an altitude of 12800 from sea level where she lead a group of 60 trekkers.

– Next was Sarpass Trek in Kasol at 13800 altitude.
She spent 25 days in the company of beautiful Himalayas. YHAI sponsored her trip and she was the leader of the camp and lead 1500 trekkers. It was big this time.

But her journey wasn’t meant to stop here. She was to fly even higher.

‘The Challenges’

She too had to face many challenges in her life as being a girl is never so easy and for an ambitious girl, it is even more difficult. There are family pressures and more over the society wants a girl to live in line with their traditional conventions.

People usually wonder and question everyone who ever tries to live a different life, which though runs parallel to the philosophy of society, yet it has several rebellious points of intersections in between.

This was something that even Ruchika had to face but she had a strong will and she always believed in herself. This was the reason why she was able to fight everyone and everything to such an extent where she convinced everyone to her grounds.

‘Living the Dream’

Yes, Ruchika was determined enough to have lived her dream. She became the first girl in Mewar to complete the Himalayan Charder Trek 11,150ft (105 km) in – 35 degrees Celsius frozen temperature. 9 out of the 16 trekkers returned back and in the rest who completed the trek, Ruchika was the only girl.

It was a big day in her life. As she reached the peak she got into tears. She closed her eyes, collected herself and recalled all the moments, hardships and efforts that made it possible for her to reach these heights. She opened her smiled and she shouted with joy.

Her story was covered in many leading newspapers and news channels. But this isn’t the destination yet, she is all set to live the next journey.

She mostly makes solo trips and she has set an example that if you have the will, you get wings to fly and that’s what the name of her vlogger profile is – ‘Fire Fly Do’.’

‘Message to Youngsters’

She says – “Do fight for whatever you believe in, don’t live a life with regrets. Sometimes you may feel like breaking down, whenever it happens, just ask yourself – Do I care and if the answer is No, then you don’t need to care about anything and you’d be able to do everything you want.

Feel the way you want to feel, speak what you want to speak, express what you want to express, live the way you want to live, go where you want to go, smile when you want to smile, cry when you want to cry. Don’t live the way a world wants you to live. You are the owner of your life. You’ve got only one life. Love the life and live the love.”

One2all salutes her spirit and wishes her all the very best for her ambitions and aspirations, that she grows higher.

Please do not miss upon checking out her work by clicking on the below links. Do follow her on Facebook & Instagram. Do subscribe to her youtube channel.

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Instagram :

Youtube :

Humans of Udaipur

Excuses are the reasons given by escapists for not willing to face a situation of difficulty. Govind is one such Human of Udaipur who has proved himself to be an inspiration for million, by not making any excuse for his physical anatomy. Yes, Govind is specially blessed and never has he made his physical limitations stop him from living his life to the fullest.


A normal life is an ordinary one which interests no one and in which you are left to be just an automated machine, fed with daily instructions and where everyday of your life begins and ends in the same way. Irrespective of his physical shortcoming, Govind never surrendered himself to a regular normal life, rather he picked up small dreams and with his efforts and strong belief in himself, he is now living a life of his dreams which inspires and motivates everyone.

‘The Challenges’

Being specially blessed, nothing came easy. Govind’s parents were asked that they must get their son admitted in a differently abled school, But it wasn’t the way his journey of life was meant to be and he got admission in a regular school.

He was shy and conscious about his deformity, yet he overcame everything and completed his studies with flying colors.


After completing his education, Govind was selected for a job on the basis of his resume, but soon after when he went for the interview, the recruiter declined him the job after seeing him.

He said that Govind wasn’t fit enough to take the job. It was heart breaking, yet he didn’t give up and the rejection became his power.



While he was in school, a popular social organisation from Udaipur – ‘Shikshantar’, came to visit their school to introduce creative learning. Govind was so fascinated with them that he started attending film making workshops and soon after that he released his first film – “Sher ka Zukham”, with the help of Shikshantar Team.

The movie was thoroughly appreciated by the people in film fraternity. After that, while he was rejected for a job, he joined Shikshantar and pursued his career in film making. So much so that, he got a laptop and a camera from his savings and opened a studio. His life now was surely toiling upwards from normal to larger than life.

‘Accomplishing Dreams’

Govind was already living his dream but then there was something else that grabbed his interest and attention. He always had a passion for cycling but due to his circumstances and physical drawback, he wasn’t able to handle a bicycle on his own.

The position of brakes were making it lot difficult for him to be able to ride the bike in control. He approached many vendors to get his cycle modified, and he got the brakes fixed near the front Tyre, which made it easier for him to handle it like any other guy.

Soon after that, he covered a lapse of 1500 Km. on his bicycle from Udaipur to Bangalore. It was challenging and everyone asked him not to take such a risk. But the determination of Govind made him ride through every difficulty of life. He then covered a lapse of 550 Km. from Manali to Khardungla, which was at an altitude of 18000 ft., it was a ride under difficult circumstances but he made it.

If a challenge of life couldn’t stop him then how these small rides could have!!!

Govind is also a popular photographer in the city now. The only thing is, he has to make an extra effort to be able to accomplish his goals, but then he is doing everything a lot better than many perfectly normal kids of his age. So much so that, Govind is now popularly known as “Bindaas Govind” for his never giving up attitude and super cool personality.

He also formed a group of cyclists, where16-17 cycling enthusiasts join him and cherish a ride on every Sunday. The group is known as “Bindaas Cyclists”

‘The Goal’

Govind is just 25 years old and he has all the sky to explore. He aspires to be the best photographer in his city and wishes to participate and win the cycling competitions in Olympics, under the regular athletes category.

‘Message to Youngsters’

While conveying a message to the youth, Govind says – “No disability exists or could stop you, unless and until your brain isn’t disabled. It’s your brain that controls every expression, every emotion and every action of yours. A strong brain could surpass every disability, could defeat the strongest of men and could win under the most adverse circumstances.

Never give up on your dreams, never let any thought that challenges your possibilities come to your mind.

If I can do that you definitely can. Never blame a situation, just accept it, mould yourself according to it, put an extra effort to get used to it, practice indefinitely and there you are, a better and empowered version for yourself. Mark my words.

One2all salutes him and wishes him all the very best for his ambitions and aspirations, that he achieves all his goals and inspires everyone across the world..

Please do not miss upon checking out his work by clicking on the below links. Do follow him on Instagram


1. Bindaas Govind –…

2. Bindaas Cyclists –…


When you say mobile market is down I see MI, Real Me is cracking records everyday

When you say food business is down I see swiggy zomato is making huge money

When you say automobile market is down I see MG stopped taking bookings because or huge demand

When you sat IT industry is down I see many freelancers are even making 3-5 Lakh and above per month

When you say TV is down I see huge audience on YouTube and tiktok

When you say market is down as offline trader I see new e commerce players everyday.

कुल मिला कर बात यह है मेरे दोस्त धंधा शिफ्ट होते जा रहा है नए प्लेयर्स को जिन्होंने अलग काम नही काम को अलग ढंग से किया है
और आप स्टाइल तो दूर कुर्सी और जाजम भी 10 साल से वही लेकर बैठे हो

तो फिर बैठे रहो

दीमक लगना शुरू हो चुका है वक्त रहते या तो नया करलो या नए के साथ हो लो

वरना फिर पछतावत होय क्या …

वरुण सुराणा

Humans of Udaipur
Normally we don’t feature professionals in this column but we have got one more inspiration story where the lady has no shame to say that yes I was failed in fashion designing due to geographical and demographical issues, I was ahead with the time but when she entered into banking with motivation of his husband she promised from herself that this fail word will never come again in her professional life.
YES, we are talking about City Head Of Fincare Small Finance Bank Mrs. Jia Lalwani, previously she was working at Indusind Bank as an Asst Vice President.
Her proud husband is also banker Mr Prashant Lalwnani- who is again renowned banker of icici Bank and she is the mother of a 6 years old cute daughter.
She has witnessed Ups and downs from childhood as his father with her two brothers are managing 3 businesses but she knew that every NO is Next Opportunity.
She has a super versatile educational background like she has done her graduation in science, a diploma holder in fashion designing who always wanted to be a big one in the fashion industry but due to geographical constraints could not do much in this field so finally, she got married like a typical Indian girl.
But after understanding Jia’s Dreams and aspiration her husband helped her in revoking the dreams as Jia was so confident about her plans and finally her husband asked her to follow the simple rule
“सफलता पानी है तो तरीके बदलो, इरादे नहीं”
बस यहीं से शुरू हुआ बैंकिंग का सफ़र जो आज अच्छे मुकाम पर है और हम शुभकामनाएं देते हैं की बुलंदियों तक पहुंचे
Leaving a big brand bank like Indusind Bank and working for a new small finance bank was so much challenging and from last 1.5 years, she is trying to make it as a brand. Quite successful in this as now many people know this brand they treat this brand as any other bank just because of continuous efforts of Jia.
As she believes in not doing any extraordinary thing just trying to do an ordinary thing in an extra way.
her small efforts are always big with the support of all her family, seniors and her team.
When she came to Udaipur 9 years back she did not have any friend circle, family or any relative so she was so afraid of this city but now she feels like she has brought up here only with balanced Personal and professional life.
बचपन में जो सुना
“कौन कहता है आसमान में सुराख़ नहीं हो सकता, एक पत्थर तो तबियत से उछालो यारों” को Jia Lalwani ने बखूभी निभा कर दिखाया है”
Humans of Udaipur
today we are going to introduce a lady with a golden heart for needy people. who is working selflessly from long time for needy kids, youth and old age people as well.

let’s meet Sunita Singhvi

Please tell us something about you, which people do not know?
Myself sunita singhvi
I am a science graduate..Done my schooling from Ajmer Sophia and St.Patricks Jodhpur.
Worked with the central public school as an English teacher.Active member in Launching Arena Multimedia and IBM in udaipur.
Having my own event company Mango Masala..We are working for underprivileged and especially able kids..We are into social n commercial events both..
Got married to Rajesh singhvi Director Zee club Fabrics ..Having his textile industry..Mother of two handsome boys Vidit n Rudraksh..They are 14 n 12 years old

What is “Mango Masala”?

Mango Masala is working for specially able n underprivileged kids..Time to time we organise events for them..In nutshell whatever these kids wish we work on it and give it an event form …You will be surprised to hear that many of these kids never saw a train in their life that day we decided to organize a train ride for them from Udaipur to Mavli.We organised Rishabh travels double-decker city tour for them.some of the signature events of Mango Masala includes Fashion Fantasia season 1..Makar sankranti celebration, New year n Christmas celebration, My first chocolate cupcake for slum kids.. Toy train ride at Gulab bagh and lot many..
We are into cloth donation and accessories donation too …We collect clothes and other useful items and distribute in Udaipur and in nearby areas of Udaipur
Making their dreams come true is my only wish.It gives me immense happiness..

Can you tell us about some latest activities/events bt Mango Masala?

Recently we organised womenpreneur award night to honour women of Udaipur who have done something outstanding in their field
To start with this event was itself a challenge but hard work always pays and I did it. Recently working for kids from Tara sansthan, Prayas sansthan, Theosophical society Ambamata deaf n dumb n blind school.

Challenges you have faced?

The fund is the biggest problem …But people of Udaipur have supported and have trusted this brand for the last three years
Challenges are always a part of business

How Our Members Can Get In Touch With You?

For further details you can contact on 8209588611/946150001 WhatsApp no
Facebook Page-Mango Masala
Humans of Udaipur

Gaurav Medatwal‘, is now a popular Udaipurite who has brought glory and big name for the Udaipur City, both Nationally as well as Internationally. Yes, he is the 1st Runners Up of the India’s Got Talent Show – 2018. His hard-work, his dedication, his positive spirit and his never to surrender attitude has made him not just live with his passion and love but to be appreciated and recognized for the same, globally

‘The Inspiration’

Gaurav always had a strong inclination towards music, so much so that he used play a keyboard during his school days. His school always supported him to grow with and into music. His journey of becoming a super star began, when after his school he went to Mumbai for his further studies. It was there where he got the maximum exposure and he started to believe that he can earn a big name in the music industry.

‘The Preparation’

During the course of his college days, he started to participate in various singing competitions and he was good enough to win almost all of them. He used to take inspiration from other singers and used to practice a lot. But soon after his graduation, he realized that it wasn’t enough and so he learnt Hindustani Classical Music under the guidance of his Guru, Mrs. Rita Kaul, who is also the mentor and guru of Bollywood singer @Arman Malik

‘The Challenges’

As he doesn’t belong to a musical family, he had to prepare himself on his own, though he got all the emotional support from his family. After his graduation he got a handsome job but he wasn’t ready to join it like his other friends. He strongly believed in his dreams and he wasn’t in any mood to give up on them. But this got him into financial depressions as it is always better to sing with a filled pocket and enough food in the stomach. Yet, he believed in himself and gave his heart and soul for it.

He was rejected from a number of auditions and studios in Mumbai, not just this but he fell a prey to the frauds of this industry, where he was fooled into recording in lieu of big money. But nothing in this world demotivated him to that extent where he could’ve given up on his dream. He always knew for what he began and for what he was sacrificing everything. He kept sticking to his ambitions.

‘The Accomplished Dream’

With his hard work, dedication and most importantly his stubborn belief that he will make his dreams come true, he made it to the finals of India’s Got Talent, where he and his team were announced to be the 1st Runners Up of the competition. The whole country and people across the world celebrated his victory. Even to this grand and outstanding success, Gaurav humbly says that it couldn’t have been possible without his team and the happiness of his well wishers and their celebrations brought him more happiness than his own.

‘The Goal’

His goal is to earn a big name in the entertainment industry as a leading playback singer and to stand up to the expectations of his family, friends and all his well wishers. The goal is to never stop but to keep on rising. From an Electronics and Communication Engineer to a Popularly recognized singer now, it takes a lot of efforts, risks and belief in oneself to be able to win the ends. His story also makes it evident that a mere educational qualification cannot decide the path or goal of one’s life.

Not just this but Gaurav was also a Sound Engineer from Sound Ideaz Academy under his mentor Mr. Pramod Chandorkar, where he assisted him as a sound engineer in many live concerts of the legendary singer of India, Sonu Nigam.

‘Message to Youngsters’

If you are blessed with some creative traits, do not waste them but pick them up professionally. Everyone always has a choice of living an ordinary life, like everyone else but only those who believe in their dreams and are ready to take a risk are the one who are able to prosper with them. Go ahead into your dreams, give them a sincere try but never forget the difference between expectations and realities.

I still got to do a lot and I still have a lot of dreams to be accomplished. We never know how life will treat us the very next day but we still could be sure about never giving up on any given tomorrows. I’ll keep working upon my dreams and that is the way everyone must live and not just exist.

One2all wishes him all the very best for his ambitions and aspirations, that he becomes a Leading Singer of the Entertainment Industry.

Please do not miss upon checking out his work by clicking on the below links. Do follow him on Facebook and Instagram

Instagram –

Youtube –…/UCut1ARf0tHd7h5jjoMNyQGg/videos

Facebook –