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 चांदपोल ब्रिज

हर शहर में कुछ जगहों के नाम ऐसे होते हैं जिनका ज़िक्र हम रोज़ करते हैं | इसी तरह की कुछ बात मेरे घरमें चल रही थी | शाम को एक बुज़ुर्ग मेहमान के सामने अगले दिन बाज़ार जाने का प्रोग्राम बना था, तो ऐसे तथ्य पता चले जिनके बारे में हम अचानक सोच भी नहीं पाते | बात शुरू हुई थी चांदपोल जाने की तो मन में सवाल आया कि आखिर चांदपोल नाम क्यों पड़ा तो कुछ और भी बातें मुझे बताई गईं | सबसे पहले उन्होंने मुझे पोल का असल मतलब बताया |आगे और पीछे की तरफ दरवाजा होता है और बीच में जो खाली जगह होती है उसे “पोल” कहते हैं | दुश्मन अचानक अन्दर घुस कर हमला ना कर सके इसके लिए पोल का निर्माण किया गया था | ऊपर की तरफ कमसे कम 10 फीट की चौड़ाई वाली जगह बनाई जाती थी जहाँ से दुश्मन पर नज़र रखी जाती थी, इसे शहरकोट कहते हैं | 10 फीट की चौड़ाई रखने का उद्देश्य था कि उसपर हाथी को भी ले जाया सके, आदमी भी चल सके और भारी तोप जैसे हथियार भी ले जाए जा सकें | शहरकोट पर चढ़ने के लिए रैंप नुमा जगह बनाई जातीथी और सीढ़ियां भी होती थी | कोट में छोटी छोटी खिड़कियाँ बनी होती थी जिसमें बन्दूक या तोप का मुंह फंसाकर दुश्मन पर वार किया जाता था | ‘चांदपोल” नाम इसलिए पड़ा क्योंकि बीज का चन्द्रमा तिथि के अनुसार पश्चिम में उगता है और इस पोल से चाँद को देखा जा सकता था | हिन्दू तिथि के अनुसार बीज को शुभ तिथि माना जाता है |










सूरजपोल” पूर्व में है यानि सूरज के उगने की दिशा में,जहाँ से हाथी निकल सके वो “हाथीपोल”, “उदियापोल” का नाम महाराणा उदय सिंह के नाम पर रखा गया | अम्बामाता के मंदिर की तरफ आने वाला रास्ता “अम्बापोल” | “ब्रह्मपोल” में कर्मकांडी ब्राह्मणों का निवास स्थान हुआ करता था | एक और बात पता चली कि दिल्ली गेट नाम क्यों रखा गया ? दरवाजे का मुंह दिल्ली की तरफ है इसलिए इसे दिल्ली गेट कहा गया, अर्थात ये रास्ता दिल्ली की तरफ जाता है | ये भी बताया गया कि महाराणा दिल्ली दरवाजे की तरफ जाते ही नहीं थे क्योंकि ऐसा कहा जाता था कि मरेंगे तभी दिल्ली की तरफ मुंह करेंगे और सूरजपोल और चांदपोल तो और कई शहरों में भी हैं |



कौन कहता है कि सिर्फ इंदौर के लोग अच्छे खाने पीने शौक़ीन हैं !! हमारे प्यारे उदयपुरवासी भी लज़ीज़ व्यंजन पसंद करते हैं, फिर वो चाहे किसी भी प्रांत, जिले या देश के हों | उदयपुर शहर में खाने पीने की कमी नहीं है | हर किसी गली मोहल्ले में आपको कुछ न कुछ खाने को मिल ही जायेगा | चाट-पकोड़ी हो या चाइनीज़, पंजाबी हो या राजस्थानी, इतालियन हो या मेक्सिकन या फिर हो साउथ इंडियन…यहां सब मिलता है बस नज़रें घुमाने की देर होती है |
The city tickles everybody’s taste buds with a variety of restaurants, take-away centers, even online food centers and those typically mast-mast paani poori thelas. Spicy, tangy, lip-smacking food is available everywhere. From the typically traditional homemade khana to various course food, Udaipur has it all.
Early morning you can find people having breakfast at the different corners of the city. Poha, samosa, kachori, jalebi, sabudana khichdi, lassi and chaach, tea and coffee with mirchi bada are enjoyed invariably by the morning walkers. It actually adds to the fun of being with friends and family when you stand outside a desi nashta centre and hot and spicy and not so spicy and sweet dishes are handed over to you either wrapped in sections cut out from newspapers or in paper plates. Kind of a picnic feeling…isn’t it?
Come afternoon and run your eyes around. The nimbu shikanji thelas and the sharbat and barf ka gola vala thelas are all crowded by youngsters on a break from college or people taking break from office. The chaat centres are also flocked by a lot of people who are on a shopping spree.


Evening time is the time when depending on seasons, people opt for tea and coffee away from home or icecream centres with sandwiches as fillers between meals. Easing the tensions of the day, gossiping away with friends, various eating joints are found almost full with tourists and localites enjoying sumptuous dinner with friends or family.
The city specially offers dal-bati treat to give you a feel of Rajasthan. Also a variety of locally available vegetables cooked with Rajasthani spices add to the plate making it even tastier yet homely. Not to forget the pakoda centers which fill up your nostrils and soothe your empty stomach very specifically when you are observing fasts during navratras or other festivals. The thelas even offer nimbu pani and sabhudana khichdi and vadas for fasting days.
If they say that Indore is the only city that loves food, then it is a big NO as every other day a new outlet starts making you rush out of your kitchen and relieve your senses from that kitchen heat. The city is not short of non-veg food either. Whether it is biryani or fish, fried or with gravy, as snack or with noodles, you have it all. The aromatic tikkas available at most of the take-away centres are a delight to the senses. People who love to eat non-veg but do not cook at home to avoid the hassle of cleaning and spending hours on a dish enjoy the varieties available in lanes, on road-side and the restaurants that offer Indian, Mughalai, Mexican, Moroccan and other varieties. Even thelas providing egg varieties are a hot favourite among those who can’t tolerate the smell of an egg being fried at home but love to eat… hence enjoying it outside. The temperature and weather do not matter when it comes to eating away from home.
With the international food chains hitting every city, Udaipur is never short of Pizzas and burgers. Some people as budding entrepreneurs have also created a name in the field of pizza offering it in Indian tastes which include vegetarian, non-vegetarian and even Jain pizzas.



Move out of your house and enjoy eating the most fantastic food available and you will return burping promising yourself the next round soon.
अब ये ना कहियेगा कि अच्छा ऐसी बात है, हमें तो पता ही नहीं था | ज़रा भागती दौड़ती ज़िन्दगी में से अच्छे खाने के लिए समय निकालिए और बाहर जाकर अपने परिवार या अपने दोस्तों के साथ…जैसा चाहें…खाइए…इस तरह सबके साथ वक़्त गुज़ारने का बहाना भी मिलेगा और मौका भी, क्यों सही है ना ?


Lake city Udaipur is the best city to live. This is one big fact that has even been mentioned by the tourists, both Indian and foreign. Even those who have lived as paying guests as college students, research scholars, bank employees and a lot more on transferrable jobs have found Udaipur people to be very friendly and accommodating.
The culture of Mewar is such that it houses people from everywhere without a twisted brow. Treating the guest with respect and following “अतिथि देवो भव:” runs in Mewari blood. The land of Mewar has always paid respect to all irrespective of caste, colour or creed. This is one positive aspect of the entire Mewar region. Udaipur, the city of lakes, with the positive effect of water (it is believed that water keeps the minds cool and balanced) has always attracted people from the world over because of its friendly attitude.
Apart from culture, the city offers a lot to fascinate everyone. Earlier it used to be considered as a small place with much less modern amenities and basic facilities as compared to the other cities of the world. But even in its minute form, it has been able to capture hearts. Now with various technological, structural and economic changes Udaipur has become one of the top most city that has magnetic properties.
Even the inner lanes of the city where it may be difficult to take vehicles, the beauty of old buildings capture every photographer’s mind. The lakeside views are absolutely mesmerizing.
One strong point that has been noticed in the past decade is that many people who have gone out of the city for the purpose of earning have actually come back to settle in Udaipur as no other place gave them a feeling of home. People want to settle here as it is peaceful enough to spend a life after retirement. Do we need more words to express that Udaipur is the best city to live?
Students come from all over the state to study in the lake city and while going back they take memories…unforgettable memories of its beauty, its approach, its people, food, means of transport and biggest and most important is that females have found it safer than other cities they have been to.
Since the city is not extraordinary large in area, it is very easy for anyone to reach from one point to the other in very less time. Also, the basic needs of food, clothing and even boarding and lodging are very conveniently available. Eating out has never been a problem, though time constraint with respect to late night eating joints sometimes feels awful. The city has a variety of eating joints and at reasonable costs which people can easily afford and they, all seem flooded most of the times. The system of home delivery of food seems very convenient for students since food reaches the destination point in time.
People living away from their home in Udaipur get emotional in expressing that they have found new parents in the company of landlords. Udaipurites certainly have loving hearts.
The city’s climate is also comparatively better than most of the other places. Since the city has a lot of spots that offer peace to the tired minds, they are flocked by the tourists as well as localities. Lake city celebrates all festivals with pomp and shows making it even more loving since religious fraternity is one of the biggest points that keeps people connected and aware of Indian culture.
Now that the city is growing in talent, various entrepreneurs and budding entrepreneurs who have carved a niche for themselves have made it more famous. The world now knows that the soil of Mewar has enough talent in every molecule.
You don’t need a magnifier to find Udaipur on the world map, this loving and peaceful city has made its mark…a bold one.


                                               A burst of taste for Pizza lovers by Rahul Veerwal
23rd May 2015, Udaipur’s pizza lovers were in for a surprise when Rahul Veerwal decided to tickle their taste buds with a different style of the meal called “Live Unlimited Buffet of Pizza meal” with his partner and cousin brother Gitesh Bansiwal.
Born on 1st September 1992, Rahul polished his education with B.Com, MBA in Finance, Company Secretary(Final) and also LLB.
Pizza burst offers a meal which starts from two types of soups, 28 types of starters, 3 types of Pizza, Panini sandwich, cheese garlic bread, cold drink and last but not the least is the brownie with ice-cream…all this at only 140/-(Whoa!! That’s really heavy for such a light cost). They also have “Cone pizza” which looks like an ice-cream cone and also a double layered pizza.
Rahul says his strength lies in his hard work, self-motivation and dedication towards his work. “Never neglect an opportunity for improvement” is the ethic followed by him.
Pizza burst also has lots of new and innovative ‘A La Carte’ options. The focus as of now is on giving franchisees. Pizza burst already has 5 outlets, 2 of which are in Udaipur and 1 each in Indore, Lucknow and Nagpur is in the process of finalizing.

pizza1Rahul’s inspiration lies in “Chase the vision, not the money, money will end up following you”. He plans to open 10 more outlets in India by the end of 2017. He derives inspiration from the Late APJ Abdul Kalam and Mr. Dhirubhai Ambani. He follows the 3 D’s for success DREAM, DECIDE, And DO. If you have a dream you need to decide to follow it and ultimately put it into action. He gives credit to Facebook among all other social media platforms for the expansion of business.
His message to the young and budding entrepreneurs is:
“Focus on commitment, not motivation.
Seek knowledge, not results.
Use your imagination and make the journey a fun.”
Lucky to be supported by family, Rahul’s life mantra is “Forget Luck, live by intent” and “Don’t wish for it, work for it.” He follows the key point that as products become more and more identical, customers evolve around the kind of service you provide. Similarly, the object of business is to create customers and not profit.



Udaipur, proud of its lakes, has had many people doing extraordinary things to make it more proud. Yet another feather in the lake city’s cap is Alpesh Nagar, a Cinematographer, who did his B.Tech from Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies and is presently living in Mumbai to follow his passion.
Alpesh has won the Best Cinematographer Rajat Kamal National Film Award for a non-feature film, 2016 to be given away in 2017. “Kalpvriksh” was shot by Alpesh in 2014 as his academic final project diploma for which he bagged this award.
Having done his schooling in PCM from Guru Govind Singh Sr. and college from GITS, Alpesh shifted to Vadodara in Gujarat to study Dramatics. He worked as a part-time graphic designer for a local advertising firm. During this tenure, he made short films to project himself to FTII, Pune & got selected as top 32 scholars in 2014 for one-year cinematography course. And that is when “Kalpvriksh” was planted and it bloomed. He now has a few projects in hand in Mumbai.

As per the citation for the award “The mysterious beauty of the narrative comes alive through artful camera work. The camera paints a rich and colourful canvas for the narrative that is both grim and tragic.”
The story of ‘Kalpvriksh’ explains the citation well. It is a movie about the journey of a young girl who needs to find some answers. This movie was shot around the fringes of Pune, mostly at Mulshi. Some parts were shot in FTII premises and some at NFAI. The effort has been made to maintain natural surroundings to add an element of rawness and simplicity to the movie.
The unmatchable mind of our very own Udaipur’s Alpesh Nagar sowing seeds of this “Kalpvriksh” is a proof that talent makes itself heard loud and clear. There is no doubt that Alpesh will go much farther in life since his determination to stand out in the crowd yet be a part of it keeps him humble.


In the present fast paced times people are so busy, that they probably do not have time to take up the stress of planning their own affairs. That’s where the role of a Wedding planner/ Bridal Consultant comes in. Wedding planning is a segment of event management. Now let us discuss about who a Wedding planner/ Bridal Consultant is and about his/her duties.


Wedding Planners often referred to as Bridal consultants, is one who assist couples in planning their wedding as per requirement. A career as a wedding consultant involves working with brides and grooms through out the wedding planning process. A wedding planner assists with the design, planning and management of a client’s wedding. Wedding planners ensure that the overall vision of the bride and groom is executed, which could include consulting with clients about the wedding’s theme and decor, ceremony, reception and even the costumes. The services of a wedding planner can include budget preparation, booking venues, hiring of wedding professionals and service providers including caterers, photographers, videographers, beautician, florists musicians etc. In this job, multitasking and the related pressure is inevitable and only an ardent passion for what you do will make you a successful wedding planner. The USP is getting best service for the clients at reasonable rates.

Wedding planner or Bridal consultant must have the following essential skills

  • Excellent organization skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Leadership and management skills
  • Good communication skills
  • Negotiation skills
  • Ability the get on well with different kinds of people
  • Good problem solving skills
  • Business acumen
  • A creative bent of mind as well as colour sense
  • Ability to keep calm under pressure
  • Awareness about the latest trends
  • Knowledge about customs and traditions
    Education requirement or qualification to become a wedding planner
    There are no set qualifications to become a wedding planner. Although education in hospitality, business or public relations can be helpful. Many have no formal education and learn on the job. They move into wedding planning from working in events, hospitality or catering. Being a self employed career, individuals interested in this field must have a strong business sense.

Employment Opportunities for a Wedding planner/ Bridal Consultant
In the current scenario of growing popularity of theme weddings, couples are looking for something more exotic, adventurous and different from a traditional home based wedding. This along with popularity for wedding tourism in India has increased the scope of employment for wedding planners in India.

If you enjoy meeting people, have good contacts and love organising things, this job could be perfect for you. Moreover you should have creative ideas to plan a theme and arrange food, rituals, decor, clothes, makeup for the whole family according to the theme. Wedding Planners can get employment in hotels, resorts, event management companies, banquet halls planning special events, bridal shops, caterers, florists, wedding planner firms and many more. At the entry level, one can work under wedding planner firms, bridal shops or event planners. After gaining experience they can start their own enterprise.

How much a Wedding planner/ Bridal Consultant earns
It is difficult to define exactly how much a Wedding planner/ Bridal Consultant earns, every wedding planner will find their own way to charge for their services and depending on location and clients requirements salaries will vary. If you work under a firm or event planner what you earn depends on the reputation of the firm and it can be as salary on monthly basis. On the other hand, where you are the boss of your own enterprise then what you earn from this field is lucrative, you can charge based on your work and client. One can earn a minimum of Rs.10,000- Rs. 20,000 per service.

Institutes In Rajasthan
EduWings (UDAIPUR) –
Picaso (JAIPUR) –


(Source – Career.Webindia)

जीने का हक सभी को है | और सिर्फ जीने का नहीं बल्कि तरीके से जीने का | हर इंसान समय और मौसम के अनुसार अपने आपको व्यवस्थित करता है | जिनके पास साधनों की कमी नहीं है, उन्हें किसी भी प्रकार की परिस्थिति में ज्यादा सोचना नहीं पड़ता | अगर हम समय और मौसम की बात करें, तो समय के साथ मौसम का बदलना प्रकृति का नियम है जिसे कोई भी परिवर्तित नहीं कर सकता, किन्तु हमारे देश में बहुत से लोग ऐसे हैं जिन्हें स्वयं को व्यवस्थित करने के लिए सम्पूर्ण साधन भी सुलभता से नहीं मिलते | प्लैटिनम ग्रुप के संस्थापक श्री प्रवीण रतलिया की इसी नेक सोच ने जन्म दिया सुहानी सर्दी आंदोलन को ।

गरीब जनता या गरीबी की रेखा के नीचे आने वाली जनता के लिए मौसम ख़ास तौर पर सर्दियों का मौसम कहर बनके तब टूटता है जब उनके पास खुद के शरीर को ढंकने और कड़ाके की सर्दी से बचने के लिए उचित परिधान उपलब्ध नहीं होते | ऐसी जनता साधन बंटोर भी नहीं पाती है | दुःख तब होता है जब नन्हें मुन्ने या स्कूल जाने वाले विद्यार्थियों के पास ठण्ड में तन को ढंकने लायक कपड़े नहीं होते | ऐसे में हम कैसे अपेक्षा करें कि ये बच्चे आसानी से पढ़ लिख कर देश की तरक्की में योगदान देंगे | जो खुद को नहीं बचा पाते, वो देश के लिए क्या सोचेंगे, क्या करेंगे ?

सुहानी सर्दी एक ऐसा मिशन है जो कि इन बच्चों के लिए सर्दी के अनुरूप वस्त्र वितरण करने का उद्देश्य लिए उनके जीवन को सुरक्षित कर उनके स्वास्थ्य को खराब होने से बचाने के लिए अग्रसर है, सुहानी सर्दी आंदोलन गरीब छात्र छात्राओं की सहायता हेतु 2015 में शुरू किया गया था | ये बच्चे सर्दी में राहत पाकर अपनी शिक्षा का आनंद लें और ख़ुशी ख़ुशी देश के लिए अपने विचार व्यक्त कर सकें, ऐसा इस मिशन का ध्येय है |

इस मिशन के प्रथम चरण में 10,000 स्कूली बच्चों को नए स्वेटर वितरित किये गए जो कि राजस्थान के सरकारी स्कूलों में पढ़ते हैं | इस योजना के लिए किसी भी प्रकार का कोई डोनेशन नहीं लिया गया | यह कार्य प्लैटिनम ग्रुप ऑफ़ कॉलेज द्वारा किया गया | सबसे बड़ी बात यह है की श्री प्रवीण अक्सर यह कहते है की वो कोई समाज सेवा नहीं कर रहे है, यह काम वो अपने मन के सुकून के लिए करते है, उन्हे अच्छा लगता है ।

दुसरे चरण के कार्य के लिए इसी कार्य से प्रेरणा लेकर यह विचार किया गया कि और भी कई अनाथ, गरीब और सड़कों पर गुजर-बसर करने वाले अनेकों लोग हैं जो कि सर्दी की मार झेल रहे हैं | विचार कुछ इस प्रकार आया कि हम सभ्य तबके के लोगों के पास कई पुराने स्वेटर रखे होते हैं जो कि हम अलमारी में बंद कर देते हैं जिनका उपयोग बदलते फैशन के कारण नहीं किया जाता | इन ऊनी वस्त्रों को सही रूप में प्रयोग लाने का सबसे उचित तरीका है इन्हें दान कर देना | इसलिए ऐसे सभी ऊनी वस्त्रों को एकत्रित कर ज़रूरतमंद लोगों में बांटा गया |

इस परोपकार को आगे बढ़ाने के लिए सभी उदयपुरवासियों से विनम्र निवेदन है कि वे आगे आयें और अपने घरों में रखें पुराने ऊनी एवं अन्य वस्त्रों को इन बेहद ज़रूरतमंद लोगों को देकर उनके तन ढंकने में योगदान दें|

यदि आप भी इस आंदोलन मे हिस्सा लेना चाहे तो हेल्पलाइन नम्बर 9785151777 पर संपर्क करें या वैबसाइट देखें ।


med2Research shows that a patients needs to visit a specialty doctor once or twice a year but people crowd specialty medical centers for primary care, even though there are hundreds of capable physicians and paramedical staff available. Medhola saw an opportunity and uncovered this hidden inventory and real-time medical care facility a reality.

Medhola is India’s first integrated digital medical assistance to preventive and supportive medical services. Medhola Beta Version provides supportive healthcare solution by connecting nearby Medical service provider (Doctor, Nurse, Pharma Store, nutritionist, Path-lab Etc.) to user (patient/ attendant) on real time basis, i.e. homecare services on just a click. Second phase would harness the analytics capability to provide innovative Smart Controllers, which would monitor, track, notify and suggest the health indicators on real time.

Its world first mobile application to provide unique features like “COMPARE”which helps user to compares multiple medical services and select services as per requirement. Its features like “E- HEALTH CARD” helps user to store complete medical history and generate copy in PDF which can be mailed/whatsapp in case of emergency to concerned doctor.

Other features like “DIGITAL HEALTH REPORTS”provide an option to store prescription, investigation report, ongoing treatment data etc. which can be access form remote location at any given point of time. Application also provide details like google maps tracker showing GPS location, route and time to destination to user who has booked medical service.

Medhola deploys a technology light platform, providing seamless connectivity even in low coverage zones and has rigorous process for listing medical service provider on the portal, ensuring complete authenticity.

Pricing and availability:

Medhola aims to provide affordable price points, which would be either lower or competitive to current market operating charges. The beta version would comprises of complementary services without any service charges whereas full-service model would be operational by Mar’17 for Udaipur and target is to launch service in all major cities of Rajasthan by the end of the current financial year.

About Medhola

Founder - Medhola

Gaurav Dhakar

Medhola is brain child of local resident Gaurav Dhakar, an alumnus of IIM Udaipur, NMIMS, Mumbai and CTAE, Udaipur. He is a strategy professional with more than 9 years of experience in various sectors like Media, Airport, Retail, Auto Ancillaries, IT, NGO and Govt advisory.

Medhola team has been mentored by medical field veteran having an average experience of 30 years in the administrative and as well as clinical side. Medhola is a true “Make in Udaipur” initiative where complete workforce is based out of Udaipur City. Medhola mobile app is available on Google Play Store and

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उदयपुर का खूबसूरत गणगौर घाट वह घाट है जहाँ उदयपुर वासी पूरी श्रद्धा के साथ गणगौर पर्व के समापन के समय प्रतिमाओं का विसर्जन करते आये हैं | अब समस्त झीलों के पानी की शुद्धता को ध्यान में रखते हुए विसर्जन करने की मनाही है | हिन्दू त्योहारों के समय गणगौर घाट बहुत महत्वपूर्ण स्थान माना जाता है |

Image resultकिसी जलाशय के किनारे आम जनता के लिए स्नान करने एवं कपड़े धोने के लिए बनी जगह को घाट कहा जाता है | गणगौर के पावन पर्व को इस घाट पर मनाये जाने के कारण ही इसका नाम गणगौर घाट पड़ा |

संध्या के समय पवन के हलके झोकों के साथ घाट पर बैठे हुए यदि कानों में कोई मधुर संगीत पड़ जाए तो यहाँ बैठने का आनंद दुगुना हो जाता है | अनेकों प्रवासी भी यहाँ शान्ति से अपनी शाम बिताने आते हैं और पर्यटक तो झील से उठते संगीत की यादें संजो कर साथ ले जाते हैं |