Entertainment Health & Fitness

टैटू बनवाना आजकल आम बात हो गई है | पुराने ज़माने से ही टैटू का चलन है | इसे हिंदी में “गोदना” कहा जाता है | पहले के ज़माने में लोग अपने नाम या अपने खानदान का नाम गुदवाते थे | चेहरे को सुन्दर बनाने के लिए भी बिंदीनुमा गोदने होते थे | महिलाएं अक्सर शादी के बाद अपने पति का नाम अपने हाथ पर गुदवाती थीं और जब कोई उसने उनके पति का नाम पूछता था, तो झट से अपना हाथ आगे कर के नाम दिखा देती थी(नाम बोलने में उन्हीं हिचकिचाहट महसूस होती थी) | बहुत सी जातियां ऐसी हैं जिनमें महिलाएं अपने सम्पूर्ण चेहरे पर बिंदियाँ गुद्वाती हैं | मगर तब टैटू फैशन की तरह इतना प्रचलित नहीं था, इसे ज्यादातर गाँव के लोग बनवाते थे | कुछ लोग अपने हाथों पर भगवान् के नाम भी गुदवाते थे | 

आजकल ये एक फैशन हो गया है | शरीर के भिन्न भिन्न हिस्सों पर टैटू बनवाना एक शौक बन गया है | ये भी पता चला है कि भारतीय सेना में सिर्फ किसी आदिवासी या जनजाति के सम्बंधित व्यक्ति को पूरे शरीर पर टैटू की इजाज़त है, मगर अन्य व्यक्ति सिर्फ बांह, कोहनी, हाथ के आगे/पीछे/साइड में टैटू रख सकते हैं | भड़काऊ या उत्तेजना पैदा करने वाले टैटू की इजाज़त नहीं हैं (ऐसा मई 2015 में जारी एक सरकारी आदेश के तहत किया गया)| मगर टैटू बनवाते समय कुछ बातों का ध्यान में रखा जाना भी आवश्यक है | कभी भी जल्दीबाजी में टैटू के डिज़ाइन का निर्णय नहीं लेना चाहिए | डिज़ाइन चुनते समय ध्यान रखना चाहिए कि यह पैन या पेंसिल का निशान नहीं है जिसे झट से मिटाया जा सके |

बनवाते समय बेहद कुशल हाथों द्वारा ही बनवाना चाहिए और स्वच्छता का ध्यान रखना बेहद ज़रूरी है | टैटू बनवाने के बाद इसकी केयर करना भी ज़रूरी है जिसके लिए आप बनाने वाले से जानकारी हासिल कर सकते हैं | ध्यान रखें कि यदि आपकी स्किन सेंसिटिव है, पकती जल्दी है तो टैटू ना बनवाएं | टैटू बनाने वाले एक वैसलीन जेली देते हैं जिसे नियमित रूप से कम से कम एक सप्ताह इस्तेमाल किया जाता है | वैसे तो दो से तीन दिन में टैटू वाले स्थान पर खुरंट आने लगती है, किन्तु एक सप्ताह तक नहाते समय जेली लगाना बहुत ज़रूरी होता है जिससे कि पानी के असर से वो गुदा हुआ स्थान पके नहीं | 

अधिकतर लोग माँ, रॉक-बैंड, मूवी-स्टार, भगवान या चाँद तारों के टैटू बनवाते हैं | कुछ अपने ज़ोडिएक साइन वाले टैटू बनवाते हैं | कुछ कहावतें या quotations लिखवाते हैं | टैटू आपकी पर्सनालिटी से मेल खाता हुआ हो ये बहुत ज़रूरी है | किसी की भावनाओं को ठेस पहुंचाने वाला टैटू न बनवाएं | जानवरों और पक्षियों वाले टैटू बहुत ज्यादा प्रचलित हैं |

टैटू एक परमानेंट इंक है इसलिए आपकी चॉइस बहुत दमदार होनी चाहिए | यह असल में स्किन में ड्रिल होता है इसलिए बनवाने के पहले खुद को मानसिक रूप से दर्द को सहन करने के लिए तैयार करना भी ज़रूरी है | इसलिए सभी जानकारी एकत्रित करने के बाद ही टैटू बनवाएं | कहीं ऐसा ना हो कि आप लम्बी चलने वाली स्किन की बीमारी को निमंत्रण दे बैठें | 


Health & Fitness

5 Natural Green Tea for Weight Loss in India

Green Tea’s popularity is no longer unknown. Some of the health advantages of drinking green tea include accelerating weight reduction, slowing insulin surges, safeguarding heart health, and treating acne. It is critical to select premium green tea and brew it in order to reap the health advantages as well as have a superior flavour. Unfortunately, the majority of green tea offered in stores is of ordinary or below-average quality. This post will provide you with information about the best green tea in India. The majority of the Green Teas mentioned are widely available in India, either online or in organic stores.

1. Mountveda Green Tea

Mountveda Green Tea, best green tea in India, best detox green tea in india

It is high in nutrients with detoxifying and digestive characteristics, making it beneficial to your overall health. A healthy digestive system is constantly in charge of absorbing nutrients from the food you eat. Green Tea, Fennel, Lemon Peel, Cumin, Spearmint, Stevia, Ajwain, and Ginger make up Mountveda’s natural green tea for weight loss in India. These superfoods make your drink very healthful, digestive, and detoxifying.

Mountveda Digestive Green Tea has the following advantages:

  • Gut health: Mountveda digestive green tea is a boon to your digestive system. It enhances stomach digestion, allowing you to absorb all of the nutrients from the meal you’ve consumed.
  • Detoxification: This drink contains cleansing characteristics that help to manage blood sugar levels, eliminate toxins, and promote general health.
  • Healthy for Skin: This green tea is healthy for your skin since it contains detoxifying characteristics that regulate and purify your blood. It naturally promotes healthy, bright skin.
  • Prices: Affordable – INR299/- to INR355/- per 100 grams

Customer Feedback:

    • 5/5
    • Great Taste
    • Instant Effects
    • Affordable
    • Great Taste

2. Jarved Green Tea

 Jarved Green Tea, Best Green Tea In India

Website – https://jarvedworld.in/


  • Organic and delivered directly from the farm to your house
  • Available in shops as well as on an e-commerce site
  • Excellent green tea leaves from India’s Assam and Darjeeling regions
  • Handmade
  • The pack includes additional information such as the date of harvesting, the season, accreditation, and batch number
  • A variety of tastes are offered
  • Vacuum packing preserves the freshness of the leaves and prevents oxidation over time
  • Expensive, The price per 100 grams ranges from INR299/- to INR599/-

Customer Feedback:

  • 5/5 for flavor and aroma.
  • Excellent packaging

3. Tea Box Darjeeling Green Tea

Tea Box Darjeeling Green Tea, Best Green Tea In India








  • Organic
  • Green tea leaves are produced by a process known as “Fixing,” in which the leaves are heated soon after plucking to guarantee minimal oxidation
  • A single estate picks, processes, and packs all of the leaves
  • Green Tea comes in a variety of flavors
  • Darjeeling-grown and manufactured

  The disadvantage is:

  • Slightly Expensive, with prices ranging from INR399/- to INR649/- per 100 grams
  • General shops do not carry it.

Customer Feedback:

  • 4.5/5
  • Excellent packaging.

4. Assamica Agro Green Tea

Assamica Agro Green Tea


  • Handmade and organic
  • Assam is where this product is grown and processed
  • Farm products are delivered to your door
  • Cultivate Tea plants using Vriksayurveda Organic Farming principles
  • Improve rural people’s livelihoods to boost the local economy
  • Certified under the National Organic Production Program (NPOP)


  • Expensive. The price per 100 grammes ranges from INR329/- to INR599/-
  • Stores do not carry it

Customer Feedback:

  • 5/5
  • Excellent environmentally friendly packaging
  • Aromatic and authentic flavour
  • Refreshing and revitalising

5. The Indian Chai

 The Indian Chai , Best Green Tea In India

Website: https://theindianchai.com/


  • Organic
  • There are several variations available, the most popular of which being Slimming Green Tea and Turmeric Spice Herbal Green Tea
  • Organic retailers carry it


  • It does not come straight from the farm, and there are several middlemen engaged before it reaches the shop shelf
  • Expensive Prices per 100 grams range from INR350/- to INR450/-

Customer Feedback:

  • Weightlessness and authenticity of the flavour.
  • 4.9/5.

Points to Consider When Purchasing Green Tea

  • The Origin of Green Tea Leaves

Green tea has a six-month average shelf life. Unfortunately, the production date on the packs refers to the day the green tea leaves were packaged rather than the date they were harvested from the plant. It takes between 12 and 24 weeks to get the leaves from the farm to the consumer. The more intermediaries there are, the longer it takes to reach the customer and the more nutrients are lost from the leaves.

It is preferable to buy the best detox green tea in India from a nearby producer since the time it takes for the leaves to travel from the field to your kitchen cabinet will be less. Green tea leaves, which require minimal or no distributors to reach you, are preferable. With the advancement of e-commerce, it is now fairly simple to obtain them straight from farmers. Choose Green Tea leaves that may be delivered directly from the farm.

  • The Colour of green tea leaves

Healthy and pure green tea leaves will seem green in colour because they are subjected to less oxidation than black tea. Green tea leaves that are brown or black should not be purchased.

  • Consider going organic.

To prevent the hazards connected with harsh pesticides and incorrect growing procedures, use green leaves from organically cultivated Camellia Sinensis plants.

  • Avoid using Green Tea Bags

Always use loose green tea leaves instead of tea bags. Teabags have a higher concentration of processed green tea leaves than full loose leaf packets. It also contains leaf rejects such as twigs and fine dust powder, among other things. Furthermore, the flavour of entire green leaves is preferable to tea bags.

  • The Polyphenol Concentration

The polyphonic component of green tea leaves, EGCG (EpigalloCatechin – Gallate), is the star nutrient. It is the explanation for the benefits of green tea for weight reduction, beautiful hair and skin, a healthy heart, and so on. Green tea leaves with a high EGCG content are always the best to consume.

  • Examine Lead Levels

Examine the lead levels in the green tea leaves pack. Lead in excess is hazardous to our bodies.

Please read the nutritional information on the package for the best detox green tea in India. On the pack, look for the nutrients listed below.

Antioxidants Quercetin, Linoleic Acid, Carotenoids, Catechin (EGCG)
BioActive Compounds Amino Acids, Enzymes, Chlorophyll
Minerals Magnesium, Manganese, Calcium, Zinc & Copper
Phytochemical Polyphenols and Flavonoids

We now understand the criteria for purchasing or selecting the best green tea leaves. As a result, the focus of this post will be on the Best Loose Green Tea Leaves Pack manufactured in India.

Before learning about the best green tea in India, learn about its health advantages, when to take it, how to consume it, and any adverse effects.

Please read the following.

Digestive Green Tea to Solve All Your Gut Health Issues

Health & Fitness

Recognized physiotherapists of Udaipur inaugurated their first registered association under the banner of USRP on Saturday under the leadership of Dr. Gaurav Paiwal as President, Dr. Sudhanshu Kumar as General Secretary, Dr. Shailendra Mogra as Treasurer and Dr. Narendra Tiwari as coordinator.

Dr. Anupam Mehrotra, Dr. Vandana Panwar, Dr. Jafar Sadiq, Dr. Kaushalya Dangi, Dr. Himanshi Mahavar, Dr. Varsha Soni, Dr. Sumeeta Grover will be executive members.

On the occasion, Dr. Sudhanshu Kumar addressed the crowd spreading the awareness of physiotherapy as a profession and its advances in our very own Udaipur.

Dr. Gaurav Paiwal put forward the targets of association, the betterment of the profession, promoting easy, approachable and complete care for Pain patients, sports injury patients, paralysis patients and other physiotherapy treatments and putting control over unqualified and inexperienced physiotherapy practice in Udaipur and around.

Health & Fitness

Kalp Naturo उदयपुर में एक ऐसा संस्थान है जहा प्रकाकृतिक चिकित्सा – आधुनिक तकनीकों द्वारा रोग नहीं अपितु रोगो की जड़ को मिटाया जाता है. ये शरीर में सालो से जमा विषैले पदार्थ है जिनकी आंतरिक सफाई पूरी तरह से कभी नहीं हो पाती.

“शरीर शुद्धिकरण”, “Body Cleansing” या “Detoxification” में शरीर से विषैले तत्वों को प्राकृतिक तरीको से बाहर किया जाता है.

मोटापा कई बीमारियों की जड़ है. Kalp Naturo में मोटापे का इलाज फार इन्फ्रारेड़ Therapy एवं स्पॉट रिडक्शन तकनीक द्वारा किया जाता है तथा Diet Plan द्वारा सही खानपान की, योग, Meditation एवं लाइफ स्टाइल मॉडिफिकेशन की जानकारी दी जाती है जिस से simple rules फॉलो कर के हमेशा स्वस्थ रहा जा सके.

अगर आप किसी भी स्वास्थ्य समस्या जैसे कि (मोटापा, कब्ज़, गैस, Thyroid, Diabetes, Hypertension, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Migraine, joint pain, back pain, Allergies आदि) से परेशान है तो आज ही आप Kalp Naturo (जो सुखाड़िया सर्किल बिग बाज़ार के आगे वाली गली उदयपुर मे है.) आ कर नि:शुल्क परामर्श प्राप्त कर सकते है. अधिक जानकारी फ़ोन नंबर +91 9252545792 या वेबसाइट www.KalpNaturo.com से भी प्राप्त की जा सकती है.

Address 1:
Kalp Naturo Healthcare
२७-ई, बिग बाज़ार के पास,
न्यू फतेहपुरा, सुखाड़िया सर्कल,

उदयपुर, राजस्थान


Address 2:

Kalp Naturo – Yoga and Fitness
90-A, Saheli Nagar,
Udaipur, Rajasthan

Health & Fitness

Kalp Naturo was established on 23 February 2018 by founders Dr. Arpit Choudhary and Garvit Choudhary. The vision ignited in these young and dynamic minds after realizing the value of our ancient knowledge and benefits of natural methods.  The vision was brewed up by amalgamation of natural holistic therapies into modern technologies with an aim to simplify Natural Ancient Therapies making them efficient enough to keep up with this ultra-fast contemporary life. The motivated vision has made Kalp Naturo one of the most trusted healthcare institution all over Rajasthan. With more than 2,500+ satisfied clients that have been relieved from acidity, indigestion, migraine, allergies, skin diseases, pains, obesity, oedema, kidney disorder, hypertension, thyroid, blood pressure, diabetes etc.


Our services include Spot Reduction, Bio-sculpting and Body shaping, Colon Hydrotherapy, Life Style Modification, Nirmaya Treatment, Dietetics and Detox Consultancy, Body Composition Analysis, Home Remedies (Natural, Herbal and Ayurvedic), Complete Detox Program, Massage, Shirodhara, Yoga, Pranayam, Meditation and Pregnancy Yoga.


At Kalp Naturo, you will get complete nature cure and detox program. We believe in complete cure of mental and physical illnesses through natural and side-effect free methods.


Kalp Naturo Services:

Root cause of all diseases is deposition of toxins in your body.


जानिये शरीर शुद्धिकरण (Body Cleansing & Detoxification) कैसे रोगोकी जड़ को मिटाता है एवं एक ही बार में कई परेशानियों से निजात दिलाता है.


Naturopathy, Body Cleansing and Detox has shown good results in below health issues:

–          Weight Loss and Obesity

–          Digestive Problems, Indigestion, Gas

–          Thyroid

–          Migraine and Headache

–          Blood Pressure

–          Cholesterol

–          Joint Pain, Neck Pain and Back Pain

–          Diabetes

–          Hypertension

–          Lifestyle Disorders

–          Allergies

–          Liver and Kidney Disorders

–          Respiratory Disorders

–          Aesthetic Therapy

–          Arthritis

–          PCOS and PCOD

–          Infertility

–          Low Energy & Fatigue

–          Skin and Hair Problems


About Dr. Arpit Choudhary:

Dr. Arpit Choudhary is a Naturopathy Doctor and certified Cupping/Hijama therapist with specialization in “Naturopathy, Detoxification and Yoga”. He is also trained in and practices functional home and natural remedies, which addresses the underlying cause of disease, and focuses on optimal function of the body as a system.

He has been instrumental in public speaking and giving lectures as guest faculty in government sector, NGOs and public/private organizations. He has been serving as consultant in physiotherapy center and fitness studio in Udaipur, Rajasthan.


Dr. Arpit also interested in healthcare stemmed from the concept of body and mind cleansing or self-healing. By observing nature and the ancient way of wellness, it is possible to have a deeper understanding of ourselves and how we function. The incredible connection is that the human body with nature itself, is continuously changing and adapting, and has the ability to renew and heal based on its environment.


This philosophy sparked further interest of Dr. Arpit in natural food and the idea of food-as-medicine. He embraced this interest by building blocks of ideal body and mind.


Dr. Arpit believes in wellness as a journey, which requires a holistic approach, and works to encourage and empower individuals to be more conscious of their lifestyles.

His passion is in promoting self-awareness and teaching sustainable care practices for health of the human body, in conjunction with supporting the natural resources that surround us.


Contact Details:

Kalp Naturo Healthcare

27 E, Near Big Bazar,

New Fatehpura, Sukhadia Circle,

Udaipur, Rajasthan (India).


Address 2:

KalpNaturo – Yoga & Fitness

90-A, Saheli Nagar, Udaipur

Rajasthan (India)

Phone: +91 9252545792

Phone: +91 9887076286




Health & Fitness

We have seen our parents and grandparents getting up early morning. People retire from their work but they still wake-up early. This habit has done wonders to their health.
For the students, too, waking up early has had a positive effect on their scores compared to those who got up late. When you get up early, you are likely to follow a fixed routine which results in a good health as your digestive system is active in a healthy way. You eat well and your body’s conversion plant helps in absorption of food in time resulting in the food acids regulating your mind in a healthier way. Your food cycle works on your mind and helps you to eat the other meals of the day in a healthier manner. Once your tummy is comfortable, you don’t laze around and can concentrate on your studies more actively. A student’s mind grasps the lessons more effectively when he follows an early morning routine.
For the working professionals, getting up early helps productivity. Since there are fewer distractions in the early hours of the day and your brain is charged and active after a good sleep, you are able to grasp things better. This enables your decision making power giving you good work results.
Mental health improves when you get up early since the need to rush for doing things doesn’t arise. An early riser gets ample time to chalk out the entire day creating an organised lifestyle for days to follow. A day well spent always shows positive results since it adds to your energy in carrying out your routine without getting irritated.
Researchers have shown that a “morning person” is always more positive towards experiences of life. He who gets up early always sees the positive side of things and is able to find the right path to carry out tasks that may seem strenuous to those who sleep late and get up late. Rushing on with things has shown that you miss out on the most needed and the most important aspects of a work since your mind only focuses on finishing a task without thinking of pros and cons related to it. You also lose out on your goals since a confused mind makes you forget that your ambition is to excel and not to achieve the target anyhow.
Coming back to the people who wake up early even after their retirement. Since these people have followed a fixed routine for their mandatory tasks like sleeping and eating, their mind functions much more actively and positively towards life. They do not get disheartened by obstructions and their experiences as early risers have been a lesson for many. They have enjoyed every aspect of life only because they followed an organised life which made them deal with all ups and downs, improved their relations, created a healthy position in society and all this because they had healthy bodies resulting in healthier thinking.
What we don’t realise is that in the process of rushing to finish a task, we actually take more time since rushing makes us commit errors and we are forced to repeat from step 1 in order to find out the mistake…eventually resulting in spending more hours for a meager job.
If we get up early and prioritise our work, our mind stays healthily active to concentrate/focus on the required subject. Our decision-making power collectively focuses on the impact of a specified job and that enables us to give it the right finishing touch. A healthy mind dwells in a healthy body…so get up early, exercise, plan the day and see the results.

Health & Fitness


बालों की समस्याएं और समाधान बालों की समस्याओं से जूझते कुछ लोगों को उस समय राहत मिली जब वन टू ऑल उदयपुर द्वारा आयोजित एक गोष्ठी में स्किन एंड हेयर स्पेशलिस्ट डर्माडेंट क्लिनिक के सीईओ एवं फाउंडर डॉ.प्रशांत अग्रवाल ने वहां मौजूद वन टू ऑल के सदस्यों के सवालों के जवाब बेहद तन्मयता से दिए एवं सभी को बालों के बढ़ने और गिरने के विभिन्न चरणों को समझाया |

इस गोष्ठी को रखने का मुख्य कारण था बालों के बारे में अनेकों भ्रांतियां जिनके चलते हम अपना नुकसान खुद कर बैठते हैं | साथ ही हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट के विषय में भी डॉ.अग्रवाल ने सभी को काफी आसान तरीके से समझाया | वहां मौजूद सदस्यों ने अपनी समस्याओं को डॉ.अग्रवाल के सामने रख ट्रीटमेंट के विषय में विस्तार से जानकारी हासिल करी |

बालों के अलावा त्वचा की समस्याओं का भी ज़िक्र किया गया | सवाल जवाब का यह सिलसिला मधुबन के चॉकलेट रूम में लगभग डेढ़ घंटा चला | कार्यक्रम में अरावली ग्रुप ऑफ़ हॉस्पिटल्स से डॉ.आनंद गुप्ता, वन टू ऑल से शरद लोढा एवं उनकी टीम और कुछ अन्य लोग जो कि अपनी समस्याएं लेकर आये थे, भी मौजूद थे |

Health & Fitness

Hello one2all Members,
So here we present ourselves with one more generous offer for the members of this forum.
As you are aware with our upcoming event “Coffee With Dr. Prashant Agarwal”
25 Lucky people will get a chance to discuss their Hair problems and will be invited for free consultation of hair problems along with a hot Coffee 🙂
Dr. Prashant is one of the most famous hair expert in Rajasthan from Udaipur City & One2all is giving a chance to discuss your all the problems & queries regarding hair transplant.
You can reserve your seat by submitting your information in given form (Only 25 Lucky Registrations Will Be Eligible for Coffee With Dr. Prashant)

Health & Fitness


Aravali Hospital 332, Amba Mata Scheme Udaipur 0294-2431222
Bhandari Bal Chikitsalaya National Highway 8, Sukher, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001 0294 241 4170
Chopra Hospital 55 b, Madhuban, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313004 0294-2429363
Dr Chaudhary Hospital & Medical Research Centre Pvt Ltd 473, Sectore- 4 Hiran Magri , Udaipur 0294-2460474, 2464566
Fortis JK Hospital Shobhagpura, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001 98872 17139
G. B. H. AMERICAN HOSPITAL 101, Kothi Bagh, Bhatt Ji Ki Bari Udaipur 0294-2428701, 2428704
GEETANJALI MEDICAL COLLEGE & HOSPITAL Geetanjali Medicity, Hiran Mangri Ext., Near Enkling Pura Choraya, Manwakhera Udaipur 0294-2500000, 2500007
J B Hospitals & Medical Research Pvt Ltd 22, Haranmagri, Sec No 6, Udaipur 0294-2464050
J K Hospital & Research Centre 463-A,  Bhupalpura, Near Mahaveer Bhawan, Udaipur 294-2418544 9414166879
Kanak Hospital BSNL Rd, Hiran Magri, Sector 4, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313002 0294-3262229
LAKE CITY HOSPITAL 21, Fatehpura Circle, Udaipur 0294 – 2451621, 2451622
MAA GAYATRI HOSPITAL Dr. Rratan Sharma 0294 – 2494700
Maharana Bhopal General Hospital Hospital Rd, City’s Prime Health Care Area, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001 0294-2528811, 2528819
MEWAR HOSPITAL Uit Puliya, Saheli Marg, Udaipur, Rajasthan 8290260353
Noble Hospital 208-E, Sardarpura Udaipur 0294-2427369
Pacific Institute of Medical Sciences Ambua Road, Rajasthan State Highway 32 ,Village-Umarda, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313003 093520 54115
Pratap Hospital And Knee Replacement Centre Pratap Nagar, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001 96100 04955
R.V HOMEOPATHIC MEDICAL COLLEGE AND HOSPITAL Dabok, Udaipur, Rajasthan 0294 – 2655974, 2655975
Rajasthan Hospital & Research Center 69, I-Block,, Sector 14, Hiran Magri, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001 0294-264 0852
SARASWATI HOSPITAL & RESEARCH CENTRE University Road, Udaipur 0294 – 2470325, 2470953
Sewa Charitable Hospital 122, Vinoba Complex 14, M , Sector 11 0294-2484532
Shree Balaji Hospital 285, Bhopalpura Main Rd, Bhupalpura, Ashok Nagar, Udaipur, Rajasthan 97998 02622
Shriram Hospital & Research Centre 3/46 Madhuban , Udaipur 0294-22528435
SINGHAL MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Near Sai Baba Mandir, Sector-5, Hiran Magri, Udaipur
UDAIPUR HOSPITAL & MEDICAL RESEARCH CENTER PT.LTD Gulab Bagh Road, Udaipur 0294-2414611 , 2414211


Doctor’s Number

Department of Anatomy
Dr. L.K. jain 2523838
Dr. J.M. Sharma
Dr. Ghanshyam Gupta 2410001
Dr. (Mrs.) Seema Prakash 2526863
Dr. R.S. Jhala 2451813
Department of Biochemistry
Dr. K.L. Mali 2521865
Dr. A.K. Verma 2561339
Dr. (Mrs.) Shuchi Goyal 2410554
Dr. (Mrs.) Renuka Z Lal
Dr. (Mrs.) Rajul Lodha 2524216
Dr. (Mrs.) Shweta Biyani 2527617
Department of Microbiology
Dr. Ganpat Bansal 2461699
Dr. (Mrs.) Anshu Sharma 2419907
Dr. Sushil Sahu 3094857
Dr. (Mrs.) Anamika Vyas
Department of Pathology
Dr. S.S. Surana 2522296
Dr. N. Mogra 2450573
Dr. Chandra Mathur 2522043
Dr. Sunita Bhargava 2528216
Dr. Shashi Sujani 2583136
Dr. Sandhya Bordia 2524202
Dr, M. Bohra 2584388
Dr, S.K. Sharma 2470224
Dr. (Mrs.) Namita Goyal 2440864
Dr. Sanjay Prakash 2560660
Dr. (Mrs.) Abha Patni 2491027
Dr. Gokul Meena 2813535
Dr. Bheem Singh Meena
Dr. Noratan Jatiya
Dr. D.C. Kumawat 2525805
Dr. Vijay Kumar Goyal 2463842
Dr. Y.N. Vcrma
Dr. M.K. Dave 2417333
Dr. R.L. Meena 2425722
Dr. (Mrs.) Gurdeep Kaur 2583127
Dr. O.P. Meena 2418888
Dr. S.K. Varma 2484809
Dr. Neera Samar 2415722
Department of Nephrology
Dr. Mukesh Barjatiya 2522273
Dr. (Mrs.) Sangeeta Bordiya 2430629
Dr. Praveen Ojha 2522318
Department of Neurology
Dr. A.A. Saifee
Dr. Trilochan Shrivastva
Dr. A.K. Vats
Department of Neurosurgery
Dr. Tarun Kumar Gupta 2561410
Department of Obst & Gynae
Dr. Usha Rani Sharma 2525773
Dr. Kamlesh Panjabi 2527068
Dr. Kamla Kanwarani 2490798
Dr. Sharda Goyal 2583377
Dr. Rajrani Sharma 2411888
Dr. Arun Gupta 2521641
Dr. Sunita Maheshwari 2527815
Dr. Anita Simlot 2417555
Dr. Madhu Bala Chouhan 2561411
Dr. G.L. Damor 2430049
Dr. Sudha Gandhi 2419558
Dr. Sushila Khoiwai 2461352
Dr. Radha Rastogi 2421094
Dr. Sangeeta Sen 2513124
Dr. Chandra K. Hiran 2430072
Dr. Sharmila Bansal 2525220
Dr. Sharda Bhandari 2522814
Dr. Anuradha Rathi 2461650
Dr. Veena Gupta 2561410
Dr. Manju Purohit 2494219
Dr. Reena Mittal 2521520
Dr. Sunita Shaekhawat 2410212
Dr. Vimla Dhakar 2526661
Dr. Anita Jain
Dr. S.K. Sharma Dy. Supdt. 2412552
Department of Ophthalmology
Dr. C.K. Nagar 2523913
Dr. Ashok Kumar Bairwa 2525426
Dr. Vijay Gupta 2419558
Dr. (Mrs.) Asha Khamcsra 2522350
Dr. P.P. Jain Dy. Med. Supdt. 2412808
Department of Orthopedics
Dr. R.N. Ladha 2527815
Dr. B.L. Kumar 2421321
Dr. Vinay Joshi 2453345
Dr. Anamendra Sharma 2419907
Dr. A.K. Ojha 2522318
Department of Pediatrics (Bal Chikitsalaya)
Dr. S.L. Mandowara 2425438
Dr. B. Sharda 2433334
Dr. Suresh Goyal 2463447
Dr. A.P. Gupta 2430270
Dr. Devendra Sareen 2523404
Dr. Lakhan Poswal 2527915
Dr. R.L. Suman 2561175
Dr. Vivek Arora 2429210
Dr. Pradeep Kumar Mecna
Dr. Lalit Purohit 2494219
Dr. Saroj Kothari 2426402
Dr. Sapna Jain 2483966
Department of Pediatric Surgery
Dr. Praveen Mathur 2417555
Department of Psychiatry
Dr. D.M. Mathur 2429148
Dr. Susheel Kherada 2527553
Dr. S.K. Sharma 2411888
Department of Radiodiagnosis
Dr. N.C. Sharma 2528136
Dr. S.C. Baser 2490504
Dr. N.K. Kardam 2421094
Department of Radiotherapy
Dr. D.P. Singh 2524832
Dr. B.L. Baid
Dr. S.K. Dangayach 2428361
Dr. B.L. Acharya 2487954
Dr. Kiran Intodiya 2493414
Department of Surgery
Dr. H.L. Khamesra 2561664
Dr. C.P. Joshi 2420816
Dr. F.S. Mehta 2412494
Dr. K.C. Vyas 2521655
Dr. Garima Mehta 2412494
Dr. S.P. Gupta 2524997
Dr. M.M. Mangal 2413789
Dr. Deepak Verma
Dr. Yash Bhargava
Dr. Rajesh Rathore 2471131
Department of T.B. & C.D. Bari
Dr. S.K. Luhadia 2453599
Dr. N.K. Gupta (Medi. Supdt.) 2453599
Dr. M.L. Ved 2453507
Dr. A.B. Srivastva 2453597
Dr. Chand Bhandari
Dr. Leela Bordia 2414038
Dr. Arun Bala Chouhan
Dept. of Cardio-Thoracic & Vas. Surg.
Dr. Vinay Naithani 2433833
Department of Dentistry
Dr. (Mrs.) Aruna Singhvi 2429001
Dr. (Mrs.) Pratibha Jain 2527553
Department of D.V. & L. (Skin & Vd.)
Dr. A.K. Khare 2460722
Dr. Asit Mittal 2521520
Dr. L.K. Gupta 2429400
Department of E.N.T.
Dr. A.K. Gupta 2418258
Dr. V.P. Goyal 2483377
Dr. H.S. Bhuie 2528566
Dr. Rajiv Saxena 2470600
Dr. J.S. Matta 2527343
Department of Forensic Medicine
Dr. G.L. Dad 2523911
Dr. Kishan Dhanak 2811227
Dr. Anish Ahmed 2430382
Dr. Akhilesh Sharma 2431930
Department of Gastro-Enterology
Dr. Vipin Mathur 2418194
Department of Medicine
Dr. B.S. Bomb 2429123
Dr. L.K. Bhatnagar 2460002
Dr. K.C. Jain 2414244
Dr. D.P. Singh 2414927
Dr. Y.K. Bolya 2413660


Diagnostic Centers

Amolak Diagnostics 24-C, Madhuban, Hospital Rd, Opp. Post Office, Chamanpura, Madhuban, Udaipur 0294-2427055, 2429217
Anil Clinic Hospital Rd, City’s Prime Health Care Area, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001 294-2412878, 2421639 9414167778
Aravali Path labs M.B. Government Hospital Campus UDAIPUR 9351108108
ARTH DIAGNOSTICS 4-C, Apex Chamber, Behind Bhartiya, Lok Kala Mandal, Opposite Canera Bank, Maduban, Udaipur 0294 – 5102252, 5102253 8107753342, 7725992990
Bhagwan Mahaveer Ct Scan Centre 21-C-A, Madhuban , Udaipur, Rajasthan 0294 – 2522899
Century X-Ray and Laboratry Opposite Avon Garden, University Road, Udaipur, Rajasthan 0294 – 2425723
Chaplot Laboratory and X-Ray Centre 203, Ashwini Bazar, Udaipur, Rajasthan 0294 – 2526123
GUPTA CLINICAL LABORATORY 55-B, Madhuban, Opposite Damani Hotel, Udaipur, Rajasthan 0294 – 2429152
H.H. HOMEOPATHIC CLINIC 220, Bhupalpura Main Road, Udaipur, Rajasthan 0294 – 2421037
HINGAD DIAGNOSTIC CENTER 69, Hospital Road, Madhuban, Udaipur 0294 – 2522888
Hingad Diagnostic Center 69, Hospital Road, Madhuban, Udaipur, Rajasthan 0294 – 2522888
Hiran Diagnostics 1, Madhuvan, Udaipur, Rajasthan 0294 – 2561122
MEDICENTRE CLINICAL LAB Ground Floor, Shreenath Plaza, Opposite Govt. M.B. Hospital, Udaipur 0294 – 2429210 7665000234, 7665004109
R.K. X-Ray and Laboratory Hiran Magri, Sector 6 , Udaipur, Rajasthan 0294 – 2466965
Sharma X-Ray and Diagnostic Centre Zink Smelter Chauraha, Debari , Udaipur, Rajasthan 0294 – 2655212
Swastik X-Ray and Diagnostic Centre Hiran Magri, Sector 6 , Udaipur, Rajasthan 0294 – 5121199
THE PERFECT IMAGING 39, Ashok Nagar, Udaipur 0294 – 2413711


IVF Centers

Indira IVF Udaipur 76650 09965 44, Amar Niwas, Opp. M.B. College, 313002, Kumharon Ka Bhatta, Central Area, Udaipur
R K Hospital & Infertility IVF Center  0294-6950097, 2421996 9414166997, 8107099997 Opposite RSEB Office, 5A Madhuban, Udaipur City, Udaipur
Aravali IVF Center 294-2430222, 2431222 9352507050 332, Ambamata Scheme, UDAIPUR
Neelkanth Fertility And Women Care Hospital 1800-300-20-190 95296-35001 10-11, Swami Nagar, Doctor’s Lane, Near RSEB Office, Behind Celebration Mall, Bhuwana, Udaipur


Eye Hospitals

Asg Eye Hospital 7 C 2 Madhuban, Near Meera Girls College, Opposite RSSM Office, Udaipur City 0294-2423428  8875020433, 8875020434
Alakh Nayan Mandir Eye Institute For Excellence, Opp:- Sukhadiya Samadhi, Ashok Nagar Main Road, Udaipur 0294-2413050, 2528895 9772204620
Vasan Eye Care Hospital Plot No: 38/B, Gate No-2, Shastri Circle chowk, Near Hanuman Mandir, Ward No- 51, Udaipur 8696006444
Partani ENT Hospital 14, Near Hansa Palace, Nakoda Complex Sector 4, Hiran Mangri, Udaipur 9982362150
Dr Atray Eye Hospital 19-20, First Floor, Town Hall, Link Road, Near Corporation Bank 0294-2561600
Dr Kothari S Eye Hospital & Kothari Maternity Home Patel Circle Station Road Udaipur 0294-2484896 , 2486825


Dental Hospitals

Apple Dental Clinic Opposite HDFC Bank, Chetak Circle, Madhuban, Udaipur 98295 56699
Bansal Orthodontic Clinic & Dental Clinic C/o Bansal Orthodontic Clinic & Dental Clinic,House Number 53, Moti Magri Scheme, Udaipur 0294-2424244, 2424245 9414343518, 9414232974
Dental Solutions Chetak Cir, Madhuban, Udaipur 95300 52054
DR Nahars Dental Hospital 11, Fatehpura, Bedla Road, Udaipur, Udaipur-Rajasthan – 313004 0294-2454645
Dr Rajans Dental Clinic Tanishq Towers, 25, Second Floor, Residency Road, Bank, Bhopalpura, Udaipur 98292 41144
Dr. Ritu’s Orthodontic & Dental Care 27,28 Indraprasth Complex, Delhigate, Shakti Nagar, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001 0294 241 9914
Jaipur Dental Clinic 1145, Mayur Complex Road, Near Petrol Pump, Sector 4, Pooja Nagar, Hiran Magri, Udaipur 0294 246 0888
Mani Dental Clinic 21 City Station Road, Tourist Hotel Building,Toran Bawdi, RJ SH 32, Jawahar Nagar 99833 99913
Mewar Dental Clinic 100, Asthal Mandir Rd, Inside Surajpole, Brahmpuri, Udaipur 99505 20559
Pacific Dental College & Hospital Airport Road, Debari, Udaipu 9672917860
R R Dental College & Hospital , Udaipur Umarda, Udaipur Rajasthan 313003 094143 19399
Shobha Dental Clinic Mayura Appartment G-7, ground floor, Sardarpura, near Central Academy School, Udaipur 0294 2420089
Shree Dental Clinic 215-C, G-01, Hitawala Raghuroop apartment, Near St.Paul School,, Sardarpura, Bhopalpura, Udaipur 97724 37414
Shree Jee Dental Clinic & Orthodonic Center 1st floor, Opp Gurudwara, Delhi Gate, Link Road, Shastri Cir, Shakti Nagar, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001 084260 80391
Shree Jee Dental Clinic & Orthodonic Center 1st floor, Opp Gurudwara, Delhi Gate, Link Road, Shastri Cir, Shakti Nagar, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001 084260 80391
Shree Jee Dental Clinic & Orthodonic Center 1st floor, Opp Gurudwara, Delhi Gate, Link Road, Shastri Cir, Udaipur 84260 80391
Silver Smiles Shop B, Lahar Apartments,Near Bansi Paan & Math 102, Bhupalpura, Udaipur 81078 68862
Smilez Dental care and Implant Centre  Rkay Mall, 307 – 308, RKay Mall,, Panchvati, Panchwati, Udaipur 94141 58071
Udaipur Dental Clinic 57, Pathon Ki Magri, Sevashram, Subhash Nagar, Udaipur 0294 242 5727


Animal Aid

animal aid 096023 25253 Near Badi TB Hospital, Badi Village, Liyo Ka Gurha, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001


Health & Fitness Place to visit Tradition


Haldighati Heritage Run is a part of the Run to Breathe series of Runs. If historic battles and heroic deeds of the courageous soldiers get you interested, then Haldighati Heritage Run is definitely what you should try. Haldighati is a heritage site that witnessed the battle of 1576 between Rana Pratap Singh of Mewar and Raja Man Singh I of Amber, who was representing the Mughal forces.

For More Details and Registration Contact Saurabh – 9999509547

The Run will consists of 2.5K Dream Run, 5K and 10K Heritage Runs and 21K half Marathon through the historic and scenic landscape of Haldighati.

Haldighati is a destination that represents courage, heroism and loyalty of the Soldiers who fought in the ferocious battle that lasted 4 hours in the demanding landscape. This battle was so ferocious that it caused such large quantities of bloodshed of the courageous soldiers that even today the folktales talk about the soil that turned red due to the spilt blood. 

The Chetak memorial is also located in Haldighati which signifies the loyalty and courage shown by Chetak, Rana Pratap Singh’s battle horse. The place gives a nostalgic feeling as this was the same place where Chetak, breathed his last after leaving his master to a safe and secure location. 

A cenotaph (chattri) is built in pure white marble around 4 kms from the site of the battlefield. This cenotaph is dedicated to the gallant horse Chetak as a sign of respect and admiration. The battle of Haldighati has been captured an inescapable place in the India’s history.
Royon has brought to you a chance to enjoy this historic heritage site in the unique way of a Run. Haldighati Heritage Run is one of the Runs from the Run to Breathe series presented by Vedaan. It aims to bring to focus and popularise heritage sites like Haldighati which remain unexplored.
Haldighati is situated at a comfortable 40kms from Udaipur. The Haldighati mountain pass connects the districts of Rajsamand and Pali in Rajasthan. Haldighati also is famous for Rose Farming and specifically for Chaitri Gulab (Pink Rose grown in Chaitra month). You can also find all products made from Rose such as Rose water, Gulkand, Rose Squash, Rose fragrance and other medicinal products are produced here. On way to Haldighati you would see many stalls selling these products.